Sunday, September 13, 2009


whew..what a few days! I'm getting behind.

So.. back to Thursday. It was one of those days where you just do what you have to- even if you think it's ridiculous. I only have three classes on Thursdays so I spend a whole lot of time at the PS lab. Now, normally you would think this to be a good things because I am getting in hours. But six hours on end is wayyy to many in that place with that boss. I went to my first two classes and tried to be lively and excited for the day! lol..then headed to work. I spent a little over three hours out in the plots counting soybean plants. None of my coworkers hours line up with mine so I just go out by myself...our boss doensn't like it but the beans are turning- they need to be counted asap. It was alright, just kinda tedious and tends to leave you with a sore back. I came back in and recorded my date and dropped off the state van. Eventually I headed to the Ag Bio ice cream social, where I helped with ag bio ambassadors and CFFA. Then, went out with Virginia for supper at a new pizza place downtown. It was tasty! We stopped by our friend, Erin's place and hung out for a few minutes. Finally, I went home for a couple hours to do homework and then headed to work at the front desk for the late 12-3am shift. I kept busy with some homework when I didn't have something else to do and eventually went home for the night and it was time to crash.

Friday was a similar day. Went to class, got assignments. Went to work at the lab. We spent the morning clening out the teaching lab. Gross. Seriously, they only have part time janitors in the building who basically take out the trash once or twice a week. Otherwise, not much is cleaned but the bathrooms. So, once a year they clean up this teaching lab and it was nasty. I got regrigerator duty. Cleaning out plants and random petri dishes owned by madd plant science professors is rather interesing. But, I got it all cleanded out and helped clean upt he rest of the room then went to a quick meeting with a professor, but it didn't last long enough- I went right back to work. Eventually, I got out of there and went to band. Afterward, Virginia and I headed down to Sioux Falls and met our aunts for supper. Three of them were in town and one more was on the way. It was nice to visit with everyone and catch up. We ran a few errands and met up with them once more at my aunt Charlene's place near Renner. Then, stopped by home and headed back to school. I spent the rest of my very sleepy...until I finally gave in and went to bed.

Saturday...was plent busy for a Saturday. I spent the morning from about ten until two out in the soybean plots with Megan and Nate (the friends I work with at the lab). We finally finished the whole plot! woo hoo. So, we rewarded ourselves with a little Chinese food and headed home. I only had about an hour to shower, eat, and get ready for the game. I suited up and headed to the practice field. We marched our pregame show and then played for the game. Our new director definitly took some of the fun stuff out, but I think we looked pretty good. We didn't do a full blown field show, which dissapointed a lot of people I think- but what do you do, they guy is hired now. After the game I met with Megan and Nate again at Nate's place and had some brauts off the grill. I stayed for about and hour and then headed back for another late shift at the front desk. Ugh...I don't mind the shifts but they're hard on the mornings after.

This morning was not as bad as suspected. I got up and did laundry before church. Then, walked the whole block over the Lutheran Center and ate the free meal afterward. Woo kids love free food! :) But, the fun didn't last long. We had marching band camp from 1-5 to learn the real field show. It was alright- but very, very long. Let's say we were all pretty happy to get out of there. But, we did make progress and learned the basics of the show. I came home after eating another free meal (pizza) and spent the night doing homework, fryed some hamburger for the week, and spent a lot of time working on my room. I finally got some pictures up on the walls and we even got an sdsu flag hung up in the living room (I know that's not a ton of progress)..but it's better than nothing! I'm headed off to read some more 'middle school philosophy'...ahh gotta love the teaching classes.

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