This last week has been pretty average...nothing too horrible, nothing too exciting. On Tuesday, I went to classes as usual and did quite a bit of homework and errands in between times. I went home after my later lab- it was about 5:30- to find that our kitchen sink was clogged. My roomates asked me what to Gotta love it- so Cody and I went to Wal Mart and bought one of those cheap little sink plungers after scavenging around to find that we did not have a pluger that hadn't been used for its intended purpose! haha- so we ran to Walmart, entertained the dude in the checkout line with our story and then went home. It unplugged the drain quite easily, and I was glad because I seriously think Ellie may have passed out if I took the trap off- she's doesn't like that sort of thing. I'm sooo not used to living with a "normal" girl who doesn't particularly like those types of things...haha, it's good for me! But, the most ironic thing of all was that the plumber was just over to our apartment earlier that afternoon to put a gasket in our faucet, boy we have quite the timing. Anyway, we got the sink situation undercontrol and I headed off to a benefit supper. I got there just in time to find out that they had quit serving, so I put in my money and left hungry...dang. Then, headed to a Little I meeting and learned the ropes of this year, and went home did homework and went to bed.
Wednesday was jam packed as usual. The day started with a 7am ambassadors meeting. Then, I went to my normal course load and managed to get some homework and studying done here and there but then came the headache. I went to work at the lab in the afternoon and really needed the hours because I"ll be gone next week for national FFA convention, but it ended up being quite pointless. I felt pretty nasty from either a cold or a lack of sleep, or both and my boss was teaching lab and I had nothing to do that I knew of. So I stayed for a couple hours and left without the hours...oh well. I ran home and started to make this chip dip for our optional Spanish pot luck night for Argentina class and realized (with the help of my roommates) that it would be much smarter to skip it and stay home and study and sleep. So, I did. I went to my Block and Bridle meeting at seven, gave my report and went home to hang with the roomates while doing homework. I finally just gave up and went to bed.
Thursday was the exception of this week. I had this day reserved for quite some time so that I could travel to Faulkton (about three hours) and do my required observation time for class. Now, I originally had Faulkton as my third choice on my sheet- but somehow I ended up with it. It's a really awesome program, but a long drive! I got up at 4:30 and was on the road by 5:15. The best part was that I didn't know HWY 212 was non existant for 45 miles and only consisted of a hard, potholed, gravel surface...worse than Hisle road if anyone can believe that! Since I had already gone that far there was no point in turing back and going another way- so I drove the whole way on this crap they call a Highway- keeping in mind that the whole drive it was misting and foggy. I finally made it there about 8:20 and headed to the classroom with some time to spare. The day actually went really well. They started off with an assembly, and then went back to class. I had a chance to do some observing, but also some interaction and assisted with some teaching. I really enjoyed most of the students and love the teaching style Ms. Stratmeyer uses. I stayed all day and left around 4. That WOULD have put me back in Brookings around 7 but I got to Huron and had to wait for a train to hook up to some cars for about a half hour! It was just not my day for travel. Oh well, at least I got some phone calls made while I was sitting there. When I finally came home, I took a short nap, ate supper and then headed to Bowling for Boobs- a Coleges Against Cancer fundraiser event at the bowling alley. We ended up with twice the amount of people we had last yer..amazing. There was a line of about an hour just to get a lane! I took money at the door and I can't be sure how many people and money came through there, but it was definitly something else- and pretty fun. Although, I still had my naggin headache so I went home about 11, did some homework and headed to bed.
That made this morning a hard one to get out of bed. But, I managed. I went to classes and work at the lab and band outside in the Then, I had a chance to go home for a couple hours, study, and tried to sleep for an hour or two but had no luck. That will mess me up for tomorrow...I started work at the front desk at 8 and will be here for another half hour until 3am. That is one long double shift here. But, hey it's money. But, the best part of today: my roomate from freshman year, Rachael Fithian, came to visit from Lincoln! It was so exciting to see her. Cody and her stopped by and talked to me for a couple hours to keep me company between my study sessions! It was great. But, it's getting about time for me to clean up now. I'm looking forward to game day tomorrow, minus the cold factor!
I haven't heard a lot from the ranch, but I think thing are going alright- there's always something to do. As far as around here I'm beginning to think we are never going to get the crops out, hardly anyone has anything out yet at home! I guess time will tell:s
Saturday, October 17, 2009
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