Another day...a much better day.
I thought I would start out with some things that I probably left out last night becasue I was so disgusted with my day. For starters- just to top the cake, when I hopped into my pickup when we got back to do chores and go home last night the key was left on. I never do that and have no idea how it happened but thank goodnes it stated anyway! I can't think of a whole lot more bad things except Delbert giving me a hard time about working me too late so I couldn't make my hot date at home. What a surprize...Delbert giving me a hard time- it was pretty funny. I told him yep, the guy was fresh out of the housing and thanks to Delbert I was gunna miss the whole date! Later, he told Merle that it all worked out well- Merle can work his help all day and Delbert can work them all night! haha, it wasn't even that long of a night- but leave it to Delbert to make some comment! I can't remember if I typed this or not but while we were pairing off a couple of the little kids who were supposed to be helping us hold hte cattle pretty much fell asleep with their heads on the saddle horns...it was soo cute! I will have to get the picture off of my cell phone and get it on here when I have reception sometime. After it was all said and done Delbert called and thanked me for helping which helped improve a bad day- that was really nice of him and not neccesary- it's in the job description:)
But, enough with yesterday- on to today. After morning chores, which went well, Dean went out to fence and Merle told me to go with Ross and string salt and mineral. Some of the family came into town so Ross was a little late this morning so Merle and I moved some bales around and cleaned up some feeders until he got there. When Ross came he brought Stephanie (his grandaughter) along. I met her last year and we had a great time. She spent the day with Merle and is staying out here for the week so hopefully we can have a lot of fun:)
Ross and took off with the salt and mineral that we had left over from yesterday and put salt out with the Dry Cows, at the Pow Wow Grounds, and on Duck Creek. That was a pretty good hit, but we ran out of salt and mineral too early so we just came home for dinner with the clan and then loaded up another 15 bags of each and blocks and headed back out. We spent the entire afternoon in one pasture- the Timber Reserve. (That should give you and idea of the turf and amount of ground we had to cover.) It got pretty interesting because some of the trails have gotten really washed out and hard to judge from a distance. Since I'm not the best with directions and don't know the trails that well and Ross has a hard time seeing the trails we were quite the pair. I would point him in the direction of where the trails looked liek they were going and he would manuver around the hills and valleys and canyons. We had to turn around a few times and ran just barely ran out of salt at the end but we made it and pulled in home around 5:30 or 6. The ridiculous part about the afternoon was that as soon as we drove into the pasture (which took about a half hour just to get to) we realized that we were on the E for fuel and had the whole afternoon to get through! There was no turning back then so we jsut gambled. Somehow we managed to make it through the entire afternoon and never run out...but it was close! I'm not sure what we woudl have done if we ran out of fuel down in a canyon...someone would have had a long way to come to pick us up!
We had to pick up a couple big troughs on our way out and that got interesting. They were both super full and really heavy but we managed to use the hydraulic arms on the hydrabed to get them up halfway and then lift them the rest of the way. Considering Ross is almost 80 years old and shouldn't be lifting that much anyway and I'm just not as strong as I would like to be- it made a good compensation.
When we got home the chores were already done so I jsut went home and showered and had planned to eat a sandwich and go to bed. But, I got a phone call asking if I wanted to head into town to have dinner with the rest of the family. I was excited to go do something different and see some people I haven't seen since last year. We had a nice supper and had some birthday cake to celebrate Nancy's birthday. All in all, it was a good night. Adrienne even made a haul with some baby gifts :) I'm always thankful that I'm invited and feel welcome at a lot of faimly things. It would be just as simply to leave me behind but they never do that. I'm super luck to have found this place and this family! :D
All in all, it felt like a more laid back day it seemed but the wind whipped like crazy again and we had to stop and pick up things that blew off or fell off of our load quite a few times. We managed to get quite a bit done but I wouldn't doubt that we will go do the same for the spayed heifers and the cows up at Techs and Hisle Dam tomorrow. Guess we'll find out. PS- I'm starting to get a little better with pastures and where I'm at...but just when I say that I'll probably get lost!
I'm ready for bed~
"The greatest accomplishment in life is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall."
-Vince Lombardi
I thought I would start out with some things that I probably left out last night becasue I was so disgusted with my day. For starters- just to top the cake, when I hopped into my pickup when we got back to do chores and go home last night the key was left on. I never do that and have no idea how it happened but thank goodnes it stated anyway! I can't think of a whole lot more bad things except Delbert giving me a hard time about working me too late so I couldn't make my hot date at home. What a surprize...Delbert giving me a hard time- it was pretty funny. I told him yep, the guy was fresh out of the housing and thanks to Delbert I was gunna miss the whole date! Later, he told Merle that it all worked out well- Merle can work his help all day and Delbert can work them all night! haha, it wasn't even that long of a night- but leave it to Delbert to make some comment! I can't remember if I typed this or not but while we were pairing off a couple of the little kids who were supposed to be helping us hold hte cattle pretty much fell asleep with their heads on the saddle horns...it was soo cute! I will have to get the picture off of my cell phone and get it on here when I have reception sometime. After it was all said and done Delbert called and thanked me for helping which helped improve a bad day- that was really nice of him and not neccesary- it's in the job description:)
But, enough with yesterday- on to today. After morning chores, which went well, Dean went out to fence and Merle told me to go with Ross and string salt and mineral. Some of the family came into town so Ross was a little late this morning so Merle and I moved some bales around and cleaned up some feeders until he got there. When Ross came he brought Stephanie (his grandaughter) along. I met her last year and we had a great time. She spent the day with Merle and is staying out here for the week so hopefully we can have a lot of fun:)
Ross and took off with the salt and mineral that we had left over from yesterday and put salt out with the Dry Cows, at the Pow Wow Grounds, and on Duck Creek. That was a pretty good hit, but we ran out of salt and mineral too early so we just came home for dinner with the clan and then loaded up another 15 bags of each and blocks and headed back out. We spent the entire afternoon in one pasture- the Timber Reserve. (That should give you and idea of the turf and amount of ground we had to cover.) It got pretty interesting because some of the trails have gotten really washed out and hard to judge from a distance. Since I'm not the best with directions and don't know the trails that well and Ross has a hard time seeing the trails we were quite the pair. I would point him in the direction of where the trails looked liek they were going and he would manuver around the hills and valleys and canyons. We had to turn around a few times and ran just barely ran out of salt at the end but we made it and pulled in home around 5:30 or 6. The ridiculous part about the afternoon was that as soon as we drove into the pasture (which took about a half hour just to get to) we realized that we were on the E for fuel and had the whole afternoon to get through! There was no turning back then so we jsut gambled. Somehow we managed to make it through the entire afternoon and never run out...but it was close! I'm not sure what we woudl have done if we ran out of fuel down in a canyon...someone would have had a long way to come to pick us up!
We had to pick up a couple big troughs on our way out and that got interesting. They were both super full and really heavy but we managed to use the hydraulic arms on the hydrabed to get them up halfway and then lift them the rest of the way. Considering Ross is almost 80 years old and shouldn't be lifting that much anyway and I'm just not as strong as I would like to be- it made a good compensation.
When we got home the chores were already done so I jsut went home and showered and had planned to eat a sandwich and go to bed. But, I got a phone call asking if I wanted to head into town to have dinner with the rest of the family. I was excited to go do something different and see some people I haven't seen since last year. We had a nice supper and had some birthday cake to celebrate Nancy's birthday. All in all, it was a good night. Adrienne even made a haul with some baby gifts :) I'm always thankful that I'm invited and feel welcome at a lot of faimly things. It would be just as simply to leave me behind but they never do that. I'm super luck to have found this place and this family! :D
All in all, it felt like a more laid back day it seemed but the wind whipped like crazy again and we had to stop and pick up things that blew off or fell off of our load quite a few times. We managed to get quite a bit done but I wouldn't doubt that we will go do the same for the spayed heifers and the cows up at Techs and Hisle Dam tomorrow. Guess we'll find out. PS- I'm starting to get a little better with pastures and where I'm at...but just when I say that I'll probably get lost!
I'm ready for bed~
"The greatest accomplishment in life is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall."
-Vince Lombardi
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