Tuesday, May 24, 2011


No...I have not forgotten about my blog...due to my computer charger cord biting the dust, I've been without a computer for a week or so. Not cool. Obviously that means I have some catching up to do. But, I just got home and am not feeling too good so I'll have to update the blog some but not all the way tonight. Since I have written last...here I'll just make a checklist;
Times the cows have been out: 5
Times Sara has been the only one around to put them back in herself: 4
Things that broke when I was running/utilizing them: 4
Four wheeler wheel bearing
Planitary on front wheel assist
Pin on calf catcher
Hydraulic O ring on hose of neighbors tractor
Number of the above listed items that were actually my fault: 1/2
Number of frustrating little calves that Sara has taught to suck: 2
One is pending
Number of nasty dead calf carcasses I used to bait a cow to the barn: 1

Haha...what I list. It's actually been a good few days- there just seems to always be something going a little bit wrong. One day I made some comment that I just couldn't win. I had the cows get off on me twice, fed 500 pounds of the wrong ration to the wrong calves, and broke a bale moving hay. I think after all that I said something like: I just can't win. It seems like wherever I go nothing can go smoothly." Chad then looked at me and said: "Good, you'll fit in well here". That was pretty funny, and mildly true. For example: today him and I were using the hydraulic wire roller to roll up some barbed wire and it should have been a simple task. But we kept having problems with the roller. Then, when we turned out head, Chad's dad was running the disk right through it and dragging wire all over the place. haha...o what a day.

Our bigger event of the week was moving cows yesterday. Chad, Randy, Chad's good friend Brian, and I moved 50 head in the afernoon. I went pretty smoothly but one more person would have made it even better. They have a pretty nice set up so it's kinda hard to mess it up once you have them sorted. I was definitly tired after running and riding four wheeler all day long. blah.

Today, I just did odds and ends and I spent a while folding up and moving calf creep feeders. Getiing the wings up was a chore- but I got it done.

I am going to have to cut this short. I'm in need of along nap. I'll be trying t update my blog as often as possible, but since I can get back so late at night I'm not sure how often that would be just yet.

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