ok...so I'm really really behind- like three days of behind. But, oh well, I don't think you've missed a whole lot.
So, the reason I'm so behind is because I headed home on Thursday afternoon. I forgot to mention that in my blog (I think) and I also forgot to mention it to almost everyone else, with the exception of my sister. For some reason, no one seems to be able to read my mind- dang it- common people! lol
Anyway, Thursday was pretty average, minus the whole five hour drive thing. I did chores- o no wait, I didn't actually. I had left my cell phone one place or another and only had my pathetic alarm clock to rely on. There was a fire call around 4:30 in the morning that I heard come across the pager- it was a roll over accident quite a ways away, west of Martin a few miles, I heard it pretty loud and clear because I hadn't slept well for who knows why; so I called up to Merle's and he was already awake (gross- way too early) and said we wouldn't need to go. So, naturally, I went back to bed. Apparently I fell asleep after that and didn't wake up until the doorbell rang..after chores. I am seriously lucky I work here because no boss would ever believe that I wasn't out all night partying! I don't know what my deal it, I guess I need a more powerful alarm clock! So, I got dressed and headed down to the shed where Bowdie was already caught for me. I quick saddled up and we headed out to move some more bulls. We rode through the pasture that we had left eight of them last week (or a while back) We only recovered 6... and one had a bum shoulder so we left him there. Later on we found another one still in that pasture that we thought had run out ahead of us, but instead had hidden in the buck brush. So, that put us down to only missing one, which I think Merle found yesterday. So, anyway, we had these five bulls that moved pretty easy...but really really slowly. The goal was to get them down to the bull pasture at Dicks. About halfway Ross turned back and went to get the pickup and Merle and I kept on moving them. (It was just the three of us that day). It was actually really cold that morning and none of us really brought much for layers because we expected it to warm up...well it didn't. In fact, Merle got off of Dan (yeah that's right, Dan HAD to behave- lol) and walked for quite a while to stay warm. I was too much of a wimp and just rode and stayed cold- after all I'm always cold, so I guess a person should just get used to it! haha We eventually got them there, and loaded up and headed back home. They dropped me off at the house to cook dinner...hamburgers in fact. Ok, I warned Merle that I should not fry hamburgers but he thought otherwise- so I fryed them, and o my gosh, shock and disbelief, they weren't all done in time and they weren't very good! Hey, I warned him! Haha, but we ate them just fine and cleaned up. After dinner, Ross went out to farm and Merle went out and started raking hay so he could bale later. I felt bad making him do that, but no matter when you leave there is always something else to be done.
I went home and cleaned things up and got ready to head home. I got out of there around two. The trip was pretty good, minus all the annoying construction. I stopped in Kimball to see friends for an hour and a half or so and then headed on homeward. My plans were actually to go out to Garretson and stay with my friend Alysha that night because I was helping her fit cattle for a show early in the morning. I got to Garretson a little earlier than normal so I went right on through and just headed out to Luverne where the fair was that she and her family were at. I stayed out there and helped them tie cattle out and just hung out with people I haven't seen in a long time. Then, we all headed back to there house and stayed up way too late talking. We finally went to bed around two...and I got up to head back to the fairgrounds around 5...yeah short night. But, I may as well train in for the upcoming school year! lol
The show went really well, she had two breeding heifers and a market heifer. I had a lot of fun helping her fit (get them ready for show). We used to show and I really loved it, but it's time consuming and expensive...so I really miss it. Hence, why I come back and help her every year. She ended up with two blues, a reserve champ, a purple, and a reserve plaque for rate of gain on her market animal. I think she was pretty happy. I left the fairgrounds about two and headed home to take a nap. When I got there, the painters that we hired were working on a the house a little, doing some trim work and starting to prime. I think we're both pretty excited to see it when it's done- it'll look so different! So, I talked to them and Olluv and Virginia for a while and then hit the sack for two hours or so. That night, we went to Sonic and saw Harry Potter 6. We had planned to do this for quite a while. It was pretty good- and a lot of fun to go see a movie with my sister. Afterward we pretty much came home and flopped in bed- what a night life!
I am sleeping on an air mattress here at home because I took my bed to Martin. Not a problem when you go to bed and it's fully inflated...but rather uncomfortable when you wake up on the floor. Yeah...so not cool, but life goes on, at least it stayed inflated long enough to go to sleep on! So, we slept in a little later today and then got up and headed to Brookings. Virginia needed to pick up some things from her apartment so I went with to help. We did that and ate, and then headed back home and went to a good friend of ours (and Dad's) who had a sale. His name is Bud Scanke, and he told Virginia that he was inspired by our sale last summer (which I never ever want to think about again! ahhh) and decided he needed to get rid of some things that he never uses. It was fun to go and see things, and within the first five minutes of being there I had already put my bid in. Virginia went and got a number and I started bidding on an old chiar set. That went too high, but next was a pretty nice looking kitchen table. We got it for the huge price of $7.50. So, after we bought it Bud comes up to us and starts talking. We ended up finding out that the table actually came from our house ... yeah small town usa. Seriously, here I just thought I was buying a nice table for the house and school and whatever, turns out it was way ahead of me! lol, we thought that we pretty funny. So, some friends hauled the table home for us and then we headed out to Brandon for an appointment I had. Afterward, we met Mom and John and the grandparents at Granite City for supper. It was nice to see everyone and the food was pretty tasty- although I had hamburger, which I'm still trying to figure out. You would think I would eat something other than red meat when I go out somewhere, but no, I order a hamburger...who knows!? That puts me here at home, with Virginia and Olluv.
As far as the ranch goes...from talking to Merle it sounds like he baled most of Thursday. Then, later that day or Friday (can't remember) they found a couple of the bulls we had missed and got them out to the bull pasture. Ross and Jeff got the windrower going and I think Jeff must have raked and moved bales. Ross most likely finished the farming and went back to cutting hay I would bet. Merle said that today they had to get pretty much all of Merchant's cattle out of his and then sort some heifers of his back in that Glen and Merle and I missed the other day. He said he kept on haying and strung salt and mineral through Boeman's Dam today too. I think he went up to Phillip to the bull riding last night and said it was pretty good, so things can't be too bad! lol Although he admitted to me tonight that he forgot to lock the chickens in one night and I might be down one to 10...tisk tisk! haha, now we'll be down to one egg a day insted of two:p Other than that, it sounds like I haven't missed too much. I'm sure I'll get filled in on what all went on when I get back tomorrow night.
Tid bits I probably failed to mention from the last week:
One day I found a mouse in a laying nest...Merle called for Otis (The cat) and of course he came running (like a dog would). He picked him up and set him right in front of the mouse and the little mouse ran right between all four legs and got away...seriously, I think that cat eats too much cat food! lol, it was pretty funny, Merle was kinda discusted!
O, and you can't forget the day that I wrote in my blog that the harvesters were kinda creepy and then Harv read it and spent the next morning worrying/looking for me- which is totally not a bad thing. They couldn't get me on the house phone (already outisde) and my cell never works down there. Delbert tried me on the radio and that we a lost cause too because I was wandering around outside still. It wasn't until I was halfway to Rapid and had gotten a voicemail, did I finally call and let him know I was still alive and kikin! Sorry Harv! Don't worry, the Smith and Wesson Security seems to be the best I've found yet!
But, this is getting ridiculously long so I'm gunna go finish my root beer and hit the deflating air mattress!
So, the reason I'm so behind is because I headed home on Thursday afternoon. I forgot to mention that in my blog (I think) and I also forgot to mention it to almost everyone else, with the exception of my sister. For some reason, no one seems to be able to read my mind- dang it- common people! lol
Anyway, Thursday was pretty average, minus the whole five hour drive thing. I did chores- o no wait, I didn't actually. I had left my cell phone one place or another and only had my pathetic alarm clock to rely on. There was a fire call around 4:30 in the morning that I heard come across the pager- it was a roll over accident quite a ways away, west of Martin a few miles, I heard it pretty loud and clear because I hadn't slept well for who knows why; so I called up to Merle's and he was already awake (gross- way too early) and said we wouldn't need to go. So, naturally, I went back to bed. Apparently I fell asleep after that and didn't wake up until the doorbell rang..after chores. I am seriously lucky I work here because no boss would ever believe that I wasn't out all night partying! I don't know what my deal it, I guess I need a more powerful alarm clock! So, I got dressed and headed down to the shed where Bowdie was already caught for me. I quick saddled up and we headed out to move some more bulls. We rode through the pasture that we had left eight of them last week (or a while back) We only recovered 6... and one had a bum shoulder so we left him there. Later on we found another one still in that pasture that we thought had run out ahead of us, but instead had hidden in the buck brush. So, that put us down to only missing one, which I think Merle found yesterday. So, anyway, we had these five bulls that moved pretty easy...but really really slowly. The goal was to get them down to the bull pasture at Dicks. About halfway Ross turned back and went to get the pickup and Merle and I kept on moving them. (It was just the three of us that day). It was actually really cold that morning and none of us really brought much for layers because we expected it to warm up...well it didn't. In fact, Merle got off of Dan (yeah that's right, Dan HAD to behave- lol) and walked for quite a while to stay warm. I was too much of a wimp and just rode and stayed cold- after all I'm always cold, so I guess a person should just get used to it! haha We eventually got them there, and loaded up and headed back home. They dropped me off at the house to cook dinner...hamburgers in fact. Ok, I warned Merle that I should not fry hamburgers but he thought otherwise- so I fryed them, and o my gosh, shock and disbelief, they weren't all done in time and they weren't very good! Hey, I warned him! Haha, but we ate them just fine and cleaned up. After dinner, Ross went out to farm and Merle went out and started raking hay so he could bale later. I felt bad making him do that, but no matter when you leave there is always something else to be done.
I went home and cleaned things up and got ready to head home. I got out of there around two. The trip was pretty good, minus all the annoying construction. I stopped in Kimball to see friends for an hour and a half or so and then headed on homeward. My plans were actually to go out to Garretson and stay with my friend Alysha that night because I was helping her fit cattle for a show early in the morning. I got to Garretson a little earlier than normal so I went right on through and just headed out to Luverne where the fair was that she and her family were at. I stayed out there and helped them tie cattle out and just hung out with people I haven't seen in a long time. Then, we all headed back to there house and stayed up way too late talking. We finally went to bed around two...and I got up to head back to the fairgrounds around 5...yeah short night. But, I may as well train in for the upcoming school year! lol
The show went really well, she had two breeding heifers and a market heifer. I had a lot of fun helping her fit (get them ready for show). We used to show and I really loved it, but it's time consuming and expensive...so I really miss it. Hence, why I come back and help her every year. She ended up with two blues, a reserve champ, a purple, and a reserve plaque for rate of gain on her market animal. I think she was pretty happy. I left the fairgrounds about two and headed home to take a nap. When I got there, the painters that we hired were working on a the house a little, doing some trim work and starting to prime. I think we're both pretty excited to see it when it's done- it'll look so different! So, I talked to them and Olluv and Virginia for a while and then hit the sack for two hours or so. That night, we went to Sonic and saw Harry Potter 6. We had planned to do this for quite a while. It was pretty good- and a lot of fun to go see a movie with my sister. Afterward we pretty much came home and flopped in bed- what a night life!
I am sleeping on an air mattress here at home because I took my bed to Martin. Not a problem when you go to bed and it's fully inflated...but rather uncomfortable when you wake up on the floor. Yeah...so not cool, but life goes on, at least it stayed inflated long enough to go to sleep on! So, we slept in a little later today and then got up and headed to Brookings. Virginia needed to pick up some things from her apartment so I went with to help. We did that and ate, and then headed back home and went to a good friend of ours (and Dad's) who had a sale. His name is Bud Scanke, and he told Virginia that he was inspired by our sale last summer (which I never ever want to think about again! ahhh) and decided he needed to get rid of some things that he never uses. It was fun to go and see things, and within the first five minutes of being there I had already put my bid in. Virginia went and got a number and I started bidding on an old chiar set. That went too high, but next was a pretty nice looking kitchen table. We got it for the huge price of $7.50. So, after we bought it Bud comes up to us and starts talking. We ended up finding out that the table actually came from our house ... yeah small town usa. Seriously, here I just thought I was buying a nice table for the house and school and whatever, turns out it was way ahead of me! lol, we thought that we pretty funny. So, some friends hauled the table home for us and then we headed out to Brandon for an appointment I had. Afterward, we met Mom and John and the grandparents at Granite City for supper. It was nice to see everyone and the food was pretty tasty- although I had hamburger, which I'm still trying to figure out. You would think I would eat something other than red meat when I go out somewhere, but no, I order a hamburger...who knows!? That puts me here at home, with Virginia and Olluv.
As far as the ranch goes...from talking to Merle it sounds like he baled most of Thursday. Then, later that day or Friday (can't remember) they found a couple of the bulls we had missed and got them out to the bull pasture. Ross and Jeff got the windrower going and I think Jeff must have raked and moved bales. Ross most likely finished the farming and went back to cutting hay I would bet. Merle said that today they had to get pretty much all of Merchant's cattle out of his and then sort some heifers of his back in that Glen and Merle and I missed the other day. He said he kept on haying and strung salt and mineral through Boeman's Dam today too. I think he went up to Phillip to the bull riding last night and said it was pretty good, so things can't be too bad! lol Although he admitted to me tonight that he forgot to lock the chickens in one night and I might be down one to 10...tisk tisk! haha, now we'll be down to one egg a day insted of two:p Other than that, it sounds like I haven't missed too much. I'm sure I'll get filled in on what all went on when I get back tomorrow night.
Tid bits I probably failed to mention from the last week:
One day I found a mouse in a laying nest...Merle called for Otis (The cat) and of course he came running (like a dog would). He picked him up and set him right in front of the mouse and the little mouse ran right between all four legs and got away...seriously, I think that cat eats too much cat food! lol, it was pretty funny, Merle was kinda discusted!
O, and you can't forget the day that I wrote in my blog that the harvesters were kinda creepy and then Harv read it and spent the next morning worrying/looking for me- which is totally not a bad thing. They couldn't get me on the house phone (already outisde) and my cell never works down there. Delbert tried me on the radio and that we a lost cause too because I was wandering around outside still. It wasn't until I was halfway to Rapid and had gotten a voicemail, did I finally call and let him know I was still alive and kikin! Sorry Harv! Don't worry, the Smith and Wesson Security seems to be the best I've found yet!
But, this is getting ridiculously long so I'm gunna go finish my root beer and hit the deflating air mattress!
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