Thursday, August 6, 2009


ok, finally today's post.

I got up and did chores as usual. We had gotten .38 of rain last night- that's a decent amount anyway. The only issue is that we had some second cutting hay down and about 30 straw bales that got wet. Oh well, what do you do after the fact?

Merle and Ross went to a funeral this morning, so Jeff and I were on our own. Today's project was to clean up some trees in a fence line down this lane. We were cutting them up for fire wood to bring to town for the fair this week (woo hoo) and use for the big public BBQ. Sounds cool to me. So anyway, we spent the morning pulling out the trees with the loader, then Jeff would cut with the chainsaw and I would haul them onto the chain mover. We got a pretty decent sized load and decided to call it good.

Then, we both headed in different directions to check wells after all the lightning last night. After I finished with that I saw that Merle was back home so I went out to round up the horses out of the pasture. When I was doing this Jeff was helping Mike unload some bales down at the hay pen in that pasture so they got the privalege of watching me make laps around the pasture until Merle came and found the littel suckers. When we finally got them in we saddled up and headed to Dick's. We needed to load up sixteen steers and haul them to town for Steve Erwin. Glen came out and met us with his trailer which helped a lot. It took some time, but we eventually found all of them and sorted off what we didn't need. We loaded them up and Merle took them to town while Glen, Jeff, and I went and put the same heifers back in that seem to always be getting out up in that area. We got them back where they belonged and headed home. Ross had already rounded up the heifers we needed to haul there so all we had to do was load them up. Glen took those in for us, which made life a lot easier. Everybody pretty much took off after that, so Merle went and cleaned the trailer out with Ross and I did chores. I spent some time cleaning out a pretty deep cut that Ace managed to stick into his rear end. I have no idea how, but it's far from the heart! It's clean now anyway- probably won't stay that way for long!

We finished up chores and headed in to shower. I had a chiropractors appt at 7:30 that we were shooting for. Merle cooked his catfish that he caught the other day for supper- yum. That was pretty darn tasty with pancakes! haha. We ate and ran into town for my appointment. Afterward we went back out to the square bales to pick up the few that were left before it got completely dark and they got wet again. They were in remarkably good shape considering the rain the night before. We got them laeded up and dropped the trailer off at O'Brians (where most of the straw goes). Then, we finally headed home.

But, I need to hit the sack- tomorrow we are taking a day off. It's Merle birthday, and it's rally Merle and Harvey and I are going to the rally! That's right- be jealous! haha, I'm excited, it should be fun. But, it'll be an early morning and a short night I'm gunna hit the sack!

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