Sunday, August 9, 2009

Yee Haw!

Back to the drawing board.

Today was pretty slack, we did chores and then sat around for a while because it just kept raining- making it kinda hard to do a whole lot because it had already rained the night before. When it was all said and done we had an inch at ten o'clock this morning. That's pretty good for the grass...but not so good for the second cutting that has been down and wet since three rains ago- but what can you do?

After it quit raining we went and strung salt and mineral at the Pow Wow grounds, then came back home for dinner. After dinner we reloaded and went back out towards the Airport Pasture (I put the names in because believe it or not some people who read this might know where that is! lol). We strung there into the afternoon and came home for chores. I noticed that Ace had a little bit of a bloody nose earlier, or that's what it looked like. I thought that was kindof odd- but he seemed no worse for the wear and extremely concerned about his food as usual. After chores I came in and showered and got ready for the rodeo in town. It was a lot of fun, and a darn good showing. A little muddy, but that's rodeo. There was a little kids calf chase (where they put ribbons on a few tails out of a bunch of calves and just plain send a stampede of little kids after them to see whe can get them first) and it was probably the funniest most entertaining ten minutes I have ever been a part of. The mud was so sticky that all the little ones were getting stuck and couldn't even move. They were leaving boots everywhere and running around in their socks and some never did move- they were just plain stuck until it was all over and someone came and lifted them out. It was hillarious and pretty darn cute, I even took a video of the action! But, as far as the actual rodeo goes, the stock was good and so were the cowboys/cowgirls. It was fun- afterward we headed for home and that puts me here, definitly ready to hit the sack! Tomorrow I think we're going down to Rushville to help Brandi (Merle's daughter) and her kids learn how to fit calves before their fair showing on Tuesday. I think it'll be a fun time! haha, yey for fitting calves again!

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