Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I thought I was going to get away with not doing anything really dumb or embarrasing today...just kidding.

The day started out much cheerier than the last few as the sun was actually shining in the partly cloudy sky. As the day went on, it actually started to dry up a little around here. That is what makes it different out here from home. When we get wet, it stays much much longer. Here they have the luxury of it drying up in a day or two and moving on with life. By the sounds of if the water is up at home and will be that way for quite some time. The poor hay crop!

Anyway, on with today. After getting the regular chores done, Ross and I headed up to teh shed and loaded Dean's new salt troughs and put on about 7 bags of salt and 7 bags of mineral and a few blocks. This was not near enough but it was all the salt and blocks we had left! Dean took the day off to get his back fixed or something like that so I guess it was just the two of us getting something done today. We brought some mortar/cement type mix with us (the bag wasn't labled so who knows!) and stopped at the red cows to put out salt and fix that leaky tank that I found a couple weeks back. After chipping out the hole until it was pretty good sized, we put some of the cement in a bucket with water and it just didn't mix right. All it did was clump up- so I took the clumps and spread them out as evenly as I could over the hole. It appeared to cover it and stay sticky, even though something didn't seem right when we mixed it. In addition, I sure got one heck of a hand exfoliation treatment with cement! haha! So, we left that to cure and went on stringing salt to the red cows and spayed heifers and putting out salt troughs where we were short. After dumping all that we had but one trough out, we headed back towards our tank. It wasn't even close to dry but Ross said he wasnt' too worried and turned the water on anyway. Then, we hit the hills and headed towards home to unload the left over trough and some bags. I just want to note that I did not get wet or fall into any creeks while I was down there. Merle made it a point to call me after we left just to tell me to stay out of the creek! ...aw isn't it nice that he looks out for me :P ...right.

After we got home, I unloaded stuff while Merle and Ross took a flat tire off the disk and added it to another one to bring to town. Ross and I were planning on going to town and getting one tire on our pickup fixed along with the other two, washign the mud out of our tires in the carwash, vaccuuming out the pickup and the vents that are plugged so the ac doesn't work, buying salt and salt blocks, and eating dinner before heading home. Well, of course first thing is first- we headed straight to Ross and Marva's for lunch. Ross insisted that I not take my lunch box along so I just helped set the table instaed. Matt was there visiting and helping Marva too, so the four of us sat down for some sandwiches and then Matt and Ross dinked around trying to get the shop vac out to vaccuum the pickup while Marva showed me her beautiful lawn and backyard! We hadn't walked away but two seconds when Ross hollered for Marva asking how to get the shop vac to work...seriously! She replied: Men!. It was pretty funny. After cleaning out the hose with teh air compressor they were ready to go. They worked on that and went to wash the pickup while I followed Marva around and checked out the lawn...this is no ordinary lawn- it's the kind with automatic waterers and pretty flowers- but definitly not overdone. I guess if you have never seen it you wouldn't understand, but it you have- you know waht i mean!

It wasn't long and Ross and Matt returned with a dirty pickup. Apparently the line at the car wash was too long and Ross didn't want to wait so they just came back. I hopped in with Ross and we headed out to get the tires fixed and such. Well, Eagle Express was too busy to fix our pickup tire so we just dropped off the other two and went over to Jay's to pick up our 2 ton of salt. After getting all loaded up (or should I say down) we headed home. Then, unloaded it- again, I learn that I am not an efficient skid loader, but I sure am a alot cheaper for labor when it comes to moving salt! haha:) After that, Ross decided that he was going to go back to town to get that pickup tire fixed before five and have the other two picked up. So, he headed out and I went and got some prairie dog poison and hopped on a four wheeler to go check our well fixing job and kill some p-dogs.

First, I stopped by the dry cows to make sure their well was working and that all looked good. Then, I went down through the red cows and checked out our fixer uper well. It appeared to be holding water just fine. After talking to Merle, apparently whatever stuff we had was supposed to just be poured in the hole dry and then water was supposed to just go over it when the tank filled and solidify it. So, I guess by trying to we it early we just speeded up the process but wasted our time...oh well- at least it held. So, as soon as I found out it was working I poisoned p-dogs until it was time to go home for chores.

When I got home Merle had already started so I rounded up bucket calves and helped finish. As we were finishing chores he asked me if we had been through the dry cows today. I said, yes I had checked teh well, why are you asking. So, apparenlty, me and my idot self shut the gate upside down...again. I did this once before but caught it right away. But, this time, I must have shut it and not looked at all- not to mention that the gate faces the road! So, no I have given them something to pick on me about!

After trying to laugh at my stupidity I headed home and showered for teh fire meeting at 7. Merle picked me up and we headed out to the meeting. On the way we of course stopped at my gate and fixed it..thank goodeness before everyone saw it! When we got to town we found out that it was really not until 7;30 tonigth because teh people who volunteered to cook forgot to so it was pizza night and the pizza wouldn't be ready by then. So, we sat around and chatted and ate pizza and had a pretty short meeting that was done around 9. I no more than walked in the door and Chris, the fire chief puts me in charge of the fire day camp thing we offer for kids...super, just what i needed. If you can recall, this is the one that I still get a hard time for because i had to sing last year..yeah that one! I said that if I was in charge, Chris would have to sing! Lol, it shoudl be fun, and hopefully not too much work to put together! After the meeting I got most of my gear put back together and my pagers fixed and grabbed some pizza for the road. O, and I got a fire fighter duffle bag that everyone that is active on the deparment got- I thought that was pretty sweet!

But, we came home and I did some bookwork and now it's time for be for Sara! I think we may start haying tomorrow...guess we'll see! PS- baby is doing well and has beed pretty good for the most part so far :) Look down a couple posts and you can see a picture of her that Adrienne sent out when she was just born. Also, just in case anyone wants it my email is: sara_berg07@hotmail.com.

"Life is hard; it's harder when you're stupid!" - John Wayne

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