Monday, June 8, 2009

Out in this country...

Ok. This one is gunna have to be shorter than normal cuz it's late!

Today was a fun one. I did chores like normal and then helped Merle round some things up so he could go set up the buffalo corals for loading them up tomorrow. He was leaving and wasn't planning to be back until the afternoon. Mom, John, and Ann were planning on meeting me in town around eleven so I stayed back here. Meanwhile, I started scraping and shoveling out the shed floor and cleaning it up in a few spots. Jeff was building a gate, and Tina came later to help me clean. We got almost done when I decided I had better head back and clean up to meet everyone in town. I met the fam around noonish at the fire hall and we went to Cho-Snazz- the nicer restuarant in town- it was tasty...although I think I was the only one hungry! haha-thanks for dinner John! Then, we stopped by the grocery store and headed out to my house. John was able to follow me in the pickup because the road had dried out enough this morning to get a car back on it. Due to our lack of running vehicles, I was driving the old, black chevy pickup and we had some trouble with the was a sight to see, me pushing and mom pulling! lol, I'm sure the locals got a kick out of it.

Well when we got back here I gave them the tour and we gave Joe some shots that he was due for. Then, we hopped in Toro (my car) and I took them for a drive out to interior and the badlands. There was lots of scenery and it's very pretty all through there. I took a back BIA road, so it was pretty desolate with some open range. On the way up, I realized the Ann really liked the prairie dogs so I took them all the way up to the "Prairie Dog Ranch Store" (the same guy we buy cattle feed from) and she was able to feed the dogs some peanuts- what fun, haha! So, afterwards we made a stop and the visitors center and a few other little ganders here and there and then I took them back to their car at my place. It was lots of fun to see everyone and I am planning to bring the rental car back to Rapid tomorrow and spend the day up there with them. I think I have cultured everyone enough for one day.

After they left I did the horse chores that were left and then helped Merle hook the haybuster up. He invited me up for leftovers again so we ate and played a game of kings in the corner...a very relentless game! We decided to play to 200 (first person to reach it looses) and I sat at 199 points exactly for four or five rounds until I finally lost! We ended up playing like eleven hands...hence the late night! O, it was worth it to have a little fun once and a while. But, I better go to bed or the boss will wonder why the heck I'm so tired in the morning- haha!

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