Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cowboys that Farm

Today started out similar to most. I rounded everyone up for breakfast and fed them all their grain. It took me a little longer than usual because Ross wasn't in today, but I got it done- including putting the steer that escaped back in the corral...

So, the first thing we did was work the 26 calves that we grain every morning- I fly tagged again. We didn't have much trouble working them and had them out and loaded in trailers by 8:00. We brought them over to their next pasture and let them find the water while we picked up some old empty lick tubs. By the time we were done, we decided to let them out into their pasture- this is pretty cool cuz it's one less chore to do in the morning :) When we made it back to the ranch and unhooked the trailer Mike was here ready to pick up Merle's semi trailer and haul it to town with his semi tractor (Merle doesn't have one). So we worked on the tires and brakes quite a while until we finally got them all to break loose. We had already cleaned it out earlier, so we aired everything up the best we could and then sent Mike to town to bring it in and have the tires fixed/replaced. Later on Merle will bring the trailer up to the Crystalix Plant and a relative of his fills it with the reject lick tubs- lucky! By this time it was time to come in for dinner. After we ate, Merle and Jeff went to town to help put Merle's parents new garden shed down on it's foundation. He sent Tina and I out to check wells and string some salt in a few places. By the time we were done doing that and made it to town they had the job done and the shed already set down...haha yey for being fashionably late! Afterwards I dropped Tina off at her car in town and I took the truck home and started chores. But, before I got too far Merle showed up and asked if I could go out and give him a ride to the tractor so he could do some disking. So we headed out that way and I dropped him off and came back to finish chores. Once I had them done I went back out his way and did some disking. During this time there was a fire in town and they wanted Merle to come in but we were so far out there is no way he would have made it! Sounds like they got it contorolled anyway. So by the time we were about half done Bill (the neighbor who sprays for Merle) called and needed to get his two cars home. So after playing musical pickups we got him back here and then went back to get my truck out in the field. That...eventually puts me here. O, and I almost forgot, Merle showed me the inside of this little garden looking shed by his house tonight...the thing is stacked from the floor about four or five feet hight with horns of all types and there are mounts all over the walls! Haha, I made fun of him cuz he hides them- seriously it was ridiculous.

So I think that makes a day. Tomorrow I might get to go to Rapid and get the pickup serviced. We'll see!

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