Thursday, June 11, 2009

No more milk!?

Today was a bit tragic to the bucket more milk! Yep, they were on their last bag and there wasn't enough for milk this morning, so now they are all done and down to grain and hay only! I definitly heard about it all day long...Wally (the first and tamest calf) was (and still is) exceptionally upset! Other than that, chores were fine. O, and Otis is still around, he seems a bit better... we'll see:s

I headed out to Rapid City to finally get rid of our rental car and pickup the last truck that was finished being fixed. Merle and Tina loaded up horses and went to help a neighbor sort yearlings away from pairs- the neighbor had a death in the family, so everyone pitched in and helped. They are definitly all great people out here and it reminds me a lot of home in that sense. While Merle and Tina did that, Jeff headed down to Chadron with all three four wheelers and the push lawn mower to have them all worked on. Meanwhile, I drove the rental car to Rapid and exchanged it for the fixed hydrobed pickup. I just turned around and headed home...that's about four hours of driving- made me kinda sleepy! But, I recovered when I got back, I ate and took a ten minute nap before Merle showed back up with the horses and we unloaded and unsaddle. This was interesting because he had to use the old stock trailer that is much narrower...JD had never backed out of a trailer before because we use the stock trailer all the time~ so I thought that was just kinda interesting. But, we got em out and sent back out to pasture. He had dropped Tina off in town so she could go home a little early and Jeff was going to just take the truck to his house and bring it in tomorrow.

We headed out to pick up troughs and string salt and mineral for the rest of the afternoon. Fun times, fun times. During this time we managed to stop and I showed Merle a worm that creates foam on the weeds (they thought it was the plant) and he showed me this cool wild turnip that is really popular with the Indians...but I didn't think it was too tasty! Then, we did evening chores, and moved some pickups around (now that they are all home and in working order). I ate some mashmallow mayteys and a muffin with toast for supper and now I'm headed to shower, put Joe's blanket on and sleep:)

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