Wednesday, June 10, 2009

P-Dog Olympics

First thing first, we did chores and poor little Otis cat was still in the barn, not feeling well this morning. Tina is a vet tech student and she looked him over and couldn't find any obvious problems with him so we brought him some milk, and hopefull he continues to feel better tomorrow- he did purr for me today! Otherwise chores were fine and it was just the beginning of another wet, soggy day.

We went down to "Dicks" (another place with corrals that Merle owns) and loaded up buffalo this morning. This made everyone a little on edge as buffalo are not easy to work with in small quarters. We were supposed to do this yesterday but since it was so wet we didn't think we could even get down to Dicks...but upon further examination we found out that it didn't rain near as much down there and we could have done it- so...even though it rained this morning, we sorted anyway. We wanted the two bulls first so Merle goes and get a round bale and tries to sort them off with the tractor...yep that's right we sorted buffalo in a corral with a tractor and round bale-haha! It was great, and it worked! Tina and I were laughing later beacause it was all these guys chasing and freaking out about the buffalo bulls (rightfully so) and we were given the wimpy jobs of closing the trailer gates. She had a rope to pull the center gate and seaparate them and I had the back sliding door. They came barreling through and she managed to get them separated and I kept em in...and for some reason the guys were so amazed by this. They told us that we get an A+! It was hillarious- guess the simple jobs earn you brownie points. The rest of the buffalo cows and the one adorable calf loaded pretty easy into two trailers. After it was all said and done it went remarkably well and no one got hurt so we had a successful early morning.

Delbert, Tyler, and Merle headed out to Belle Fourche...they thought (later Merle found out they needed to go clear to Buffalo!) and did not return home until just now. (9:40pm- my blog post times are never right) So, they all had a long day driving but told me they didn't have any trouble. As for the rest of us who stayed here...

We cleaned up all the tarps and panels from buffalo moving and headed back home. Tina and I began cleaning the barn (always a fun task...) and Jeff headed out to Gordon to get a load of cracked corn in the black pickup...and he didn't have any trouble...darn that chevy! So, we cleaned the barn while it rained some and left the pickup door open the whole time so we could hear the radio- this later led to wet butts and door handles full of water, lol. Then, we headed in to Merle's house and ate his food for dinner and headed back out. Food always tastes better when it's not yours- haha! We spent the entire afternoon putting out phos-toxins to poison prairie dogs with. First you stick a tube down the hole as far as you can get it to go without plugging it- then you put in a few pills of toxins...which are really rank and well toxic- then you shoot some water down the tube with a pour gun and then quick cover the hole with sodd and dirt. Then, you go to the next one, and the next, and the next, and- well you get it. We managed to do this in two spots until four when Tina and Jeff had to get ready to go. At the end of the afternoon both Tina and I had major headaches from this crap. We wore latex gloves and such but you really have to be careful! So, I told Tina and Jeff to get going so they could make it to Jeff's second job in town on time. I did evening chores and finished stringing some straw in the barn, followed by some piddly things and then decided I had better get a few more things off the list. So I filled up the fire truck tank and swept out the other end of the shed at the same time. By this time it was eight and I was plain pooped so I came in and made a pizza and now I'm headed to bed. Merle just called and said he about came up here and rolled me out of bed cuz he has been trying to get ahold of me for hours- well my cell is dead and I've been outside, and I'm having trouble with the land line so- oops? He said he was worried the phos toxins got to my allergies- so it's definintly a good thing it rang through, he sounded relieved! lol, nope they didn't gas me out!

Sounds like I'm taking the rental car back to Rapid to pick up the last truck we have in the shop tomorow! We'll see if I can even get the car out of here in the mud! Nite.

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