Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ride the Pony!

Last night it decided to rain and storm like craziness..making haying a bit difficult.

As soon as I finished morning chores, we saddled up and rode out to the fall calvers. While saddling up I managed to spook Andy with the saddle pad...what a great way to start a morning. It's a bit of a ride just to get out there (through three pastures) so that alone took some time. When we did finally get there Jeff and Tina (who were on four wheelers) had a majority of the cattle rounded up and headed in our direction. We jumped in and kept moving them on their way south. But, before we reached the corner we had to sort off about eight head of steers from the next pasture over and get them back where they belonged. Jeff and Tina ran them back, Ross and I held those that we had rounded up in the corner, and Merle and Glen went back to look for the few cows and calves that we were still short. About 45 minutes later Merle and Glen showed back up with most of the missing cattle and we moved our herd toward their's and met in the middle at a gate. Jeff and Tina continuted to scour that pasture for more steers (they found a total of like 20 or so) and they spent quite some time looking down into those deep...deep draws. After we got them out of the pasture gate, we didn't have too much trouble moving everybody back home to the closest pasture. When it was all said and done we were still missing one cow and two calves- guess they will have to show up later in the year.

After we moved them in, we headed in for dinner. O, and while unsaddling we also managed to spook Andy and the other horses- they managed to run over my saddle as well- lol- how nice of them! Pretty sure not much damage was done. So after dinner Tina and Jeff went and set up some panels for tomorrow and Merle and I decided to go get the rake and baler; it looked like the wind had blown enough to dry a lot of hay out, well, at least enough to rake anyway. We all go up to the shed before we split to grab the supplies needed for the afternoon. Merle started up the 560 tractor to hook up to the rake and I ran down to the house to grab my water jug. During this time (of course while I was gone) the wiring up at the front of the tractor decided to short and burst into flames...good thing the extinguisher was close. By the time I got back to the shed there was just a haze in the air and most all of the wiring was burnt up- but not the rest of the tractor...that's a good thing. That right there pretty much put a damper on raking. The only other tractor that was even remotely close and not hooked up to haying equipment had a flat tire. So, after lots of contemplation, we decided to unhook the baling tractor and hook it up to the rake. Merle managed to get no further than 300 feet down the driveway when he realized the rake had a flat tire. So he backed back up to the shed and we decided to change it and put the spare on. Finally, he was able to get out to the field. I followed him and drove a round or two just to get the hang of his rake and the field. Then, he kept raking and I went to town to get the rake tire and the lawn mower tire both fixed. I also had a chance to hit up the parts store, PO, and grocery store. By the time I got back to the Eagle Express (the tire place) they had the tires done!

So, I headed back home, put things away and started up chores. By the time I finished them and piddled around cleaning the shop up and whatnot it was time to go and shower for the fire meeting. We got to town about 7 for the meal (yum) and then the meeting started at eight. It was fun to meet some of the people and get involved a little in the community. I submitted my application and they voted me on. So I am now offically on the Martin Volunteer Fire Department- exciting! I even have a little patch and a radio to prove it! ...that's right, be jealous. After the meeting I tried my skills at cribbage and won again! -haha, a game I can win! That puts me here, definitly ready for bed. Tomorrow's chores are starting at 5am so we can load cattle up for the sale by eight.

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