Today was another fun filled...and very full day.
We did morning chores at 5am this morning...yep that means I was up by 4:30...gross. But, we got chores done and rearranged some things so that we could get all the cattle in the corrals and have room to sort.
First, we rounded up the dry cows, which was pretty easy. As we were bringing them in the two ladies that were coming to visit showed up. Tina and Ross and I were headed out to round up the fall calvers, so we brought them with us. It was fun to meet them and learn more about why there were here. Tracy is from Chicago and is a professional painter, but has recently picked up photography and loves to photograph cowboys. So, she came to visit and met up with her friend Brenda, from Martin, and somehow they got connected with Merle. Tracy had a little trouble trying to keep her camera from getting beat up while we were riding- but she did remarkably well considering all that was going on and she said she hadn't ridden since she was a kid.
We had a littel trouble trying to the the fall calvers in, but eventually managed. Then, it was sorting time. We sorted owners, cows from calved, dry cows, heifer calves, and steer calves. Needless to say there were a few gates running- but it all worked out pretty good. We even had fifteen minutes before the trucks showed up to sit around and talk with Tracy and Brenda. But, as soon as they got there (littel after eight) we got back to work. We didn't have too much trouble loading except for one crazy cow. She jumped (and almost cleared) the corral gate and the tub chute earlier, so we knew she was nuts...but when she got in the semi she decided to turn around and come back out on top of all the other cows being loaded. She had opportunities to jump right out of the alley way, but somehow she stayed in and we eventually got her penned up. As soon as they were loaded they headed out to Rushville and Merle followed shortly after.
The rest of us cleaned up and headed out on our own for the day. Tina and Jeff went to check wells and move equipment and Ross and I went to windrow. It took us an hour just to service it and it's 10,000 zirks! But we finally got it moved and got a pickup moved out to it for me. Ross rode a round or two and then set me loose. One of the very first rounds I did I managed to hit a skunk...and it will smell for decades...nasty. I windrowed out there until about 5:30 when Merle called and said I could come in for chores and then we might go out and hay if I was up to it. Well, we all know I can't turn down raking (lol) so I headed in. But, of course, on the way I was being a bit too observant and noticed that we had cattle that got into a cemetary that is supposed to be fenced off in their pasture. Well, the gate had broke and about 20 head and a horse were grazing in there. So, I went in to kick them out and half of them went back out the gate and the other half made a B line and just ran through the fence. So, here I am with nothing but a vice grip and some crappy crappy wire. That was the most redneck, horrible fencing job I have ever done! haha, I was so upset that there wasn't a plier in the pickup because I alsolutely despise vice grips in the first place. But, I manged to wire most of it back up to the posts (I had no staples) and fix the gate just enough that it at least stands.
By that time, Merle already had chores done so we headed out to the hay field...and it was wayyy to dry to bale. That kinda ruined the evening plans. So instead we each took a mower and went and mowed lawn instead of hay. It wasnt' real fun, but it got done anyway. I did some more yard work, went up for dinner, and now am headed to bed. It was a rather long day, but it didn't turn out to bad. I am headed home tomorrow afternoon and will stay until Sunday morning; not sure if I will be blogging or not, but maybe I will- I'll see how the internet is working. I need some sleep-goodnight!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
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