Tuesday, July 14, 2009


You know there are just some days when it would have been much much safer to stay in bed...the last two have been of that sort.

I woke up a little late this morning so I rushed right out the door to get chores done. Everything was full of water, and it took me forever to lift troughs and get the poured out because my dumb sturnam is so sore. But, I managed and was too stubborn to wait for someone else come down and help- I got it done anyway. I did the chores and Ross showed up and went to get the horses. Today we were going to take bulls out of the heifers. Well, when chores were done we could see the horses right over the hill, but no Ross in sight. He must have drove right around them and never saw them...he eventually showed up! Merle shot his coon (up to ten now and still seeing tracks) and then we saddled up and headed out. We loaded the horses in the little 5ft trailer which is a huge pain in the butt because they are used to turning around- but we got it done, sorta in a round about way. As soon as we got out there I noticed two problems: number one, I still had my rubber boots on that fit through the stirrups but are a little tight and hot, and number two, this was going to make me sore. Merle asked if riding was gunna kill and I said I would be fine, and I was... sorta, but I made it through the day- Aleve is a life saver.

We rounded up roundy bulls that were scattered all over, half of them where they weren't supposed to be in the first place, and put them in their own pasture down by Dicks. During this process I managed to get stepped on pretty good, leaving me with a lovely looking foot- although it is not nearly as bad as the neck and back, it really wasnt' pleasant...hence the first sentance of the blog! But, I will once again live...so we also sorted off some heifers to be spayed next week, I'm kinda excited to see that! We rode until about one, then talked to Jonni, loaded up and went home. I went in to start dinner (again, I don't think they realize my lack of skill) while they unsaddled. I didn't get too much done because I had to peel the tongue, not a hard job, but definitly not something a person does everyday, while doing this I managed to cut my thumb- not bad but right at the top where it bleeds a lot- eh. But, I did get it all done and heated (horray for me trying to cook)! We ate dinner and then Jeff and Tina went out to fence and Ross and Merle and I came down and cleaned the horse trailer out. After we got that done Ross and Merle went out to hay. It was already almost three by then, and I was hoping to go and visit my church group that is putting on a vacation Bible school near Mission at six, so I was told to go ahead and get ready for that- they kinda had to talk me into it cuz I hate ditching out. By the time I cleaned up it was 3:20, so I headed out and got a few things done in town. I had to cross the time line into Todd county so that put me in Mission right at about six.

It was really fun just to see some people I knew and visit. They fed me (of course really good food from the church ladies) and we just sat around a talked. There is nothing better than Lutheran Church bars and cookies don't cha know, which I had plenty of! lol I stayed there until about eight my time and then headed back home. I made it back to the ranch at about 9:20- pretty good time, it was just getting dark. That puts me here. O, I have a good one. So, we use those cute little yard/lawn tractor sprinklers that follow the hose to keep the lawn looking nice right. Well, Merle's gets used all the time and finally the tranny blew on his poor little tractor. So...when he was in Rapid yesterday he picked up a new one, only this one isn't a lovely yellow- it's John Deere!!! How dare him! He claimed it was all they had. Now, I have to walk past a JD yard tractor- I'm just not sure how I feel about that, but at least it's self propelled so I won't have to get behind the wheel like I do at Joels! lol O, good times, good times.

Now, I am going to take my sore body that has been bucked off a for wheeler, kneed in the head, stepped on, and cut to bed. I really haven't had much luck the last couple of days but I still seem to enjoy it- however that works! Hopefully I don't get into any trouble tomorrow. Sounds like we're going to string salt and mineral in the morning, that's usually a pretty safe job!

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