Friday, July 10, 2009

Late start

Another odds and ends day on the Ranch. I had some trouble getting up this morning, my alarms were all blaring but I didn't even hear them! Not sure what the deal was but I started out a little late...always a great way to start the day. This morning there were three raccoons in the live trap- holy moly! But, Merle took care of them while I was doing late chores. The first thing on the agenda this morning was to go and get one of Merle's bulls out of the neighbors pasture. Tina, Merle, and I saddled up while everyone else hayed.

We went way over west, almost to Mike's place (he was five miles away from where he was supposed to be) to get the bull, and it couldn't have been easier. He was right near where we parked the trailer, so we set up some panels and went out and got him. He loaded fairly easy and the whole thing was way simpler than it could have been, so we really lucked out. After we got that bull back home and unloaded, Tina headed out to the hay field. I couldn't believe it but it was already getting pretty hot and sticky by ten. Merle and I parked the trailer, put the horses back out, and then went in for an early dinner. After eating, he headed for the hay field and I headed out to do all sorts of things. First off, yesterday I was supposed to put this calf back through a let down in the fence. Well, I saw Merle stop there and chase the calf so I thought that the little fart had either crawled the fence, or he put him back with the let down. Well, neither was really true. When we drove out to get that bull, the let down was still down, with plenty of yearlings that could have walked right through on the other side. I was supposed to put it back up and just didn't realize what he had done- dumb on my part. On top of that, when we put the let down back up, I was standing on the wrong side...think I was a little slow today! haha So, got that done and headed down to the feed room to haul some oats and clean. This took quite a while since I had to shovel up oats into the agar and adjust the ladder that sits over the bunker head. But, I got it done pretty eaisly with Joe and Ace cleaning up any spills! After oats, I headed out with the hydra bed to pick up a couple round bales out of the ditch. I had never done this before but Merle told me it was really easy- and it was! Those things are slick, and I had never even used one before! So, after being slightly excited that I did at least one thing right today, I headed back home to move some waste oil out of the shed and headed to feed Jonni's dogs. But, first I had to make a quick stop through town to pick up some stuff at the General Store. While I was in town, I thought I was at this four way stop but wasn't, and ended up turning in front of this pickup...oops. Pretty sure I just kept on going and hoped that they wouldn't figure out who I was or who owned the pickup. I felt like a dink, but really wasnt' sure how mad they were so I jsut went home! Nothin' like stickin' your tail between our legs! So, I headed for Jonni's; today I had a method behind the dog feeding madness. Merle said to move this bed he has in that house back home, and it wasnt' hard to move in the house, but I needed help to get it to the pickup. So, I left the dogs to run around and play for a bit, while I went up the road and caught Connor (Merle's nephew) in the baler. Sure enough, I found him and he came down and helped- this really speeded up the process. After we got them loaded and I put the dogs back away adn dropped Connor off at his pickup. Then, I headed home for some chores.

Evening chores were pretty uneventful. I just did them and and headed out to the hay field Merle was at at about 6pm. We got quite a ways in the field, but probably will have an hour left in the morning before finishing it. When we quit, he told me to lead the way and he would shut the gates. Well, bad choice- I started going the wrong way! I found my way in there but couldn't get back out two hours later! lol It was just one of those days. So, we finally made it home, (without getting lost), and unloaded the bed off of the pickup. After we got that all done we headed in for supper. That puts me about where I'm at..tired...and in need of a shower! Tomorrow will probably be hay hay hay, until my sister and aunts come around noon.

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