Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Caught in the Act!

Today started wayy too soon! But, I managed to perk up and take on the day fairly well. I did morning chores pretty normally, except that there was a cat in the live trap, and a horse snorting at it; I had a little trouble getting those dang bottle calves in, and I noticed that something had once again gotten into the chicken coup. We have tried to anchor the door shut lots of ways, but something continues to get in and eat the feed. It also managed to make two chickens magically dissapear a few days ago...hmmm. So, other than that thing went well but I was sure missing my little helper!

After chores Merle and I went and loaded up some salt and mineral. We strung it across Boehman's Dam and shot a couple prairie dogs and then realized it was time to go back home so that he could meet up with a friend at 9:30, and I could take my mom and Mary out riding. By the time we got there Merle's friend Pat was already there in the house talking with Mom and Mary. Bet that was the last thing either one of them expected to run into! lol, but they were having a nice time. So, Merle and Pat went off to play with a Catepillar and I took the other two out on a ride. I was able to take Joe out under saddle for the first time since I've been here! It was kindof exciting, and I think he really liked it, I will have to try to make time to do that more often. I took them up through the horse pasture and on some ridges and then down through cottonwood canyon (a pretty draw area with lots of ridges). It was really nice, and lots of fun. We even got some good pictures from it! They both really enjoyed the horses they picked (Nelly and Joe) and the scenery too! It was really fun. But, eventually we made it back and Mom grilled some steaks that Merle set out for us, and boy were they tasty. There were four steaks and between Merle, Pat, Mom, Mary, and I we only ate three of them! Yeah, they were amazingling tasty and huge! So, we ate and visited and then split up. Merle went out to hay and say goodbye to Pat and I helped (or tried to help) Mary and Mom pack up and move out. It didn't take us long and they were ready to go. It was really fun to have someone around for a few days and have an excuse to take them out on fun trips. Not to mention the 300 or so .22 brass casings that were left in the Explorer! haha, it was great! So, they headed on there way and Merle came and picked me up so we could go service the baler tractor and get it moved as well as the rake. This took a littel while, but we got the job done and decided to hay for a while until it really started to look like rain. We still had a whole bunch of new filters in the back of the pickup, so the rain wasn't worth the chance. We shut down then, and went home to do chores. After chores I brought all the left over steak and food from the last couple of days to Merle's and we ate it for supper. About the time we finished, we got paged out on a storm watching call. Now, this was really interesting. There was this absolutely huge billowing (like 4 layers of mushroom) while fluffy cloud. It had pretty much constant lightning in the sky and a few black littel tale clouds here and there. We grabbed the fire truck and were told to station ourselves right the turnoff for the place, so there we sat. We couldn't decided if it as moving toward us or away from us, and I'm pretty sure both were happening! It was pretty crazy looking, and we saw a couple (for sure one) horizintal funnel clouds. But, eventually it got far enough away and there were storm trackers closer to it, so we headed back home.

As soon as we got there I was trying to watch the news and fell asleep on the couch. By the time I woke up or was woken up- it was 11:30! Ah...dangit, I'm terrible at going to bed at a decent time! So, I drove over the hill to go home. As I was walking up the doorstep I thought I could hear something, and sure enough- it was chickens. I knew exactly what was going on. We have been trying to catch whatever is getting in there in the live trap, but it was in there right now. I dont' have any amo for my gun, so I quick called Merle and he came down to get that little sucker! We crept up on the crack in teh back of the sliding door, and there, eating the feed (caught in the act), was a huge raccoon! Somehow, I have no clue how, Merle managed to wedge his barrel through the hole in the door and nail that thing right in the jugualar (or at least I think so conisdering all the blood)! So, the culprate has been caught, but I'm sure there are more where he came from. Talk about ending the day with a boom. We just tossed him out in the corral tonight- tomorrow morning that could be interesting- oh well~Anyway, it's past my bedtime, sounds like tomorrow is some more haying and such.

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