Monday, July 6, 2009

Branding and P-Dogs

Branding Day. Today started off pretty normal. Ross was here early and started chores; I came out to join him around 6:30. My mom, Loretta, actually woke me up a little early which created some time for cereal...and today I definitly needed it. As soon as we finished chores we saddled up and got ready to head out to Dave's (Merle's brother in law- Marykay's huband) branding. Beau, Tina, Merle, Mom, and I all headed out in two vehicles- Mom and I just followed Merle in the flatbed pickup. When we got out there, everyone was still ariving and saddling up. We all knew that there would be some big calves to wrastle with so there were lots of reinforcements coming in! We rode out to a far pasture and pushed the heard into a corner to sort. Apparently, they had tried to sort a lot of them off last night but it got too dark so we had to do it this morning. There were 24 riders all together and between a majority of us we managed to hold and sort the herd. The first sorting took over two was a long two hours at that. Tina and I and some others helped hold while five or six guys sorted. We didn't have too much trouble considering how many cattle there were to sort (probably over 200), but it sure kept you on the edge of your seat/saddle! I think mom really enjoyed coming and helping and taking pictures, I hope so anyway~ We moved that first herd in and started branding. I thought that they would have to use forks to hold them down but we managed to do it just with wrestlers...well I shouldn't say "we", I actually vaccinated at this branding because I must just look wimpy- but hey it's a job that has to be done. We got the first group through and then went and got another much smaller bunch. I poured the second time. Tina wrestled and did some vaccinating, Merle cut and roped, Beau wrestled, and Mom actually got recruited to vaccinate too. All in all, things didn't go too bad- especially considering no one got really hurt with such big calves to work with. We all went to the house for a great meal afterwards...short rant on this: Ok, so we're all sitting there and the food is ready but no one will go and eat it. Merle says, "ladies first" and tells me and Tina to go and start eating...I was like- heck no let someone who actually worked hard go...but they wouldn't. So here we are in a room full of big, tough cowboys and they are all afaid to go first, but soon as we started they all piled right on in...really? lol So we ate, then headed home.

On the way back we dropped off Tina at her car and then stopped at the fire hall to put some gear away that was hanging out from being wet the other night. Apparently while we were branding this morning we missed a call. This local guy who is a little off his rocker by the name of Ringo, called the cops threatening to blow himself up in his house. So, the cops reported to the scene and sure enough, he blew it up right in front of them! So, of course the fire department was out and careflight came and got him, I have no idea what the injuries were like. Anyway, it sounded interesting and I guess we had just missed the crowd coming back to the station. So, we quick put our stuff away and I gave mom a short tour. I also noticed that there were smoky bear stickers on lots of gear in the station and I am now becoming nervous that my stuff is gunna be sabataged! lol...wouldn't doubt it. Then, we started for home via the grocery store. Mom needed an onion for some potato salad she was making me, so I asked Merle if I could buy an onion at the store and charge it to him and pay him late- haha only I would ask that. We made a quick stop at the store and grabbed the onion and headed home.

When we got back the horses were already unsaddled but we had another fun job to do- clean nuts. Somehow the pretty darn big pale of nuts from the branding got put in Merle's pickup. So, Beau, Merle, and I cleaned nuts for quite some time in the basement sink while we talked to Mom and Mary. When we got that done and cleaned up our mess it was chore time. We noticed that we are short two chickens and there are lots of feathers around so I think the raccoons are getting in at night; we tried to jam the door shut for the night and we'll see if it's like that in the morning. Dang raccoons, killin' my good herd! lol After chores I ran a few little errands here and there around the house and then it was time for some prairie dog hunting! Merle offered to take us out to Hisle Dam and boy was it worth it.

Mary shot out one side and I took the other. We did pretty good but mostly just had a good time. Everytime she would get one she was sooo excited- it was great! I think we all just had a fun time; Merle has been saying we should head out for a week or two so we finally got it done. But, it was beginning to get a little cooler and the sun wasn't out so they weren't coming out as much and were harder to see. So, we decided to quit for the night and come back out tomorrow. We used my mom's Ford Explorer to shoot out of because it is the only car on the place that had four wheel drive and we could fit four people in- bet that car has never seen anything quite like that before!

When we got back we all (Mom, Mary, Merle, and I) came down to my house to eat some supper. Mom fried some hamburgers and we all sat down and had a great time. In fact, I think we talked, told stories, and BSed for over two hours! haha, it was lots of fun. They told some good stories on me and on each other- not to mention some good Delbert stories! lol But, all in all it was a good day. We noticed that Katie has been a little sluggish, I think it's just the heat, but either way I hope she gets to feeling better! She's like my best bud! Well, I better get to bed sounds like I got some serious p-dog hunting to do tomorrow! haha

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