Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sad Day :(

This morning was kinda depressing...:( Well, it didn't start too bad, but didn't turn out real good. I did chores as usual and then helped my mom start clipping my horse. He has a disease that older horses get called cushings- a tumor on the petuitary gland, people can get it too. Because of this, he grows hair like crazy, so every once in a while he needs to be body clipped. So, she started in on him and she clipped away while I came a brushed behind. Merle had already sent Tina and Jeff out to the field to stack bales and do some hay work. Ross was out windrowing, and Merle was waiting to meet the electrician that was coming to put some lights up and wire in a welder and compressor in the shed.

As we were clipping I was trying to keep an eye on Katie because she really wasn't looking too good. She started helping me with chores earlier, but about halfway through she tuckered out and layed flat in the shade. Well, after some clipping I decided to go and brush her off, hoping that would make her feel better. I didn't even get a chance because when I walked up to her she had just died right there in the corral:( It was really sad, but at least she wasn't struggling or anything, and died where she loved to be, in the corral, around people, and right next to the chickens! So, after mom and I finished clipping and primping Joe, and Merle and I went and chatted with the electricians, we set out to dig a little grave with the other dogs from previous years on the ranch. We got this done, and got her buried with her blanket, we even marked it with a little cross I made out of an old handle. It already feels quiet and strange around here without here. In fact, Otis, the cat that always slept with her in my yard here, is sleeping out front by himslef tonight:( Sad day. We'll miss Katie. When we finished up with that rather depressing and sad task we decided it was about time to get ready to take Mom and Mary out and go hunt some more prairie dogs and try to boost up the day a little bit.

I grabbed Mom and Mary and we met Merle and headed out. We started around 10 or 10:30 i would guess and didn't quit until about 2! It was a pretty decent time. We shot about 300 22 cartridges..it was a pretty good time. Lots or p-dogs went down today. And, I found something interesting about myself out...I am a pretty darn good shot on that 22 magnum with a scope. I was shooting from quite some ways away a couple times and still managed to get em- but maybe with a try or two at times. Overall, the hunting was great, we saw lots of dogs because it was so sunny, and killed most that could be seen. ...they are soo dumb, you shoot right at them and just barely graze them and they will still stand there! haha, I guess that's good for the hunter. But, what's really funny is when you hit them and they got flying in the air, it sounds terrible to say, but it's hillarious. But, I think we all enjoyed it and it was really nice of Merle to take so much time out of his day to that that.

After we killed prairie dogs all morning, we pot lucked it at my house for dinner. By the time we ate we had decided to go string salf and mineral with what was left of the day. So, Merle and I loaded up and went to string at Hisle Dam while the other two stayed back and hung out and worked on projects of their own at my house. We threw in a gun and shot quite a few dogs while out there- guess it was jus the day to do that! We also helped Delbert and Bill and brought a pickup over there for them to get out of the field. But, as soon as we were done stringing and picking off p-dogs we headed for home to do chores and quick fast run to town for the fire meeting/training tonight. We got the evening chores done just fine and then headed in to brush up quick. There was no time for a shower, so I'm sure those fire guys really enjoyed the mixed fuel and dirt smell on me.

We headed into the meeting a little late, but definitly didn't miss the hard part. Tonight was a training meeting and instead of doing so much training we actually cleaned out all the trucks and got them ready for the fire season. It was quite the job, but we got 'er done. In fact we left a little early, but didn't miss much I don't think. By the time we got back home it was around 10pm and we were both completely shot. Merle went home and I came down here and sat in the lawn and talked with Mom and Mary for a bit, then decided to go to sleep. That puts me about where I am now. It may not have been a a really happy day, nor a productive day, but hey, it's another one at least! I'm not sure what tomorow will bring but we'll see. I will miss my little white haired buddy!

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