Monday, July 13, 2009

Boggin' Down

Today was nice and looong...

I did the morning chores with no unusual or unexpected happenings. As soon as I finished I went back in to pack my lunch and put on the mud boots- we were going boggin'. Merle headed out to Rapid with the pickup and trailer to get them both serviced right after he got his morning coon and Ross, Jeff, and I stayed back to fix the fences in the draws...a cruddy job, but it needs to be done. Tina had the day off today for something she was doing.

So at about 7:30 or 8:00 we got headed out. Jeff took a pickup and Ross and I each took four wheelers. (We weren't sure how muddy it would be in spots). Before we got too far down the pasture, Merle called and said there were red cows out in the wheat by Hilse. So, Ross and I headed that way and put them back in and fixed the fence while Jeff started on the first draw. We finally met back up and I started to help Jeff with the fencing. In the process, he ran across his fencing pliers that he had been looking for for months-but whithin an hour we managed to loose them somewhere down in the draw...haha just our luck.

We basically spent the remainder of the day fencing and fixing those bad spots in the draw. There were some pretty mucky spots, but we never got anything stuck. It took me a while to get use to some of the fencing because we hardly deal with barbed wire at home- mostly electric wire, steel posts, and insulators. Here, it's more barbs, staples, and clips. But, I got the hang of it and we managed to fence right on through the day. Some spots were so wet that the water was over my boots so Jeff had to put the hip waders about wet. At one point when we met back up with Ross (who was out looking for any escapees) and they gave me the sledge hammer to pound some posts in. It was pretty funny cuz I had no footing in the water and wasnt' quite sure I could pound it in with that hammer, but they said I could and I did. Darn them for being right.

So, on our last draw of the day I went down by myself with the four wheeler to check things out. I could only find a spot for one clip on first glance so I ran back to Jeff in the pickup and got some clips. I told him to just hang there at the top of the hill and wait for me because it wouldn't take lonsg. Well, there turned out to be a few posts here and there had missing staples so I started in on them. About this time Jeff drove the pickup as close as he could get to make sure I didn't need anymore tools. I just pounded in my last staples on a very stubborn post and decided to head back to the four wheeler. Before I left, I wanted to ride up on the ridge to make sure we weren't missing any important spots, so I hopped on and headed that way. So there i am on a ridge, not setting any speed records but moving anyway. I don't know how but I hit this smaller bumb and while trying to recover from the first on I hit a hug washout/draw adn sent that four wheeler flying. I went through the air in on direction and it in the other. I just should have payed closer attention I guess because now I have a huge swipe mark from the handle bars across my chest- it's actuall kinda cool! lol But, Jeff saw this whole thing go down from a distance and I got up pretty quick but that four wheeler took a run right down the ridge and into the post that I had just pounded! I was so mad that I forgot I didn't feel good and went right down the draw after the four wheeler- well to Jeff I just dissapeared so he came tearing down there thinking that I fell back down...not the case. That dumb four wheeler bucked me off and then had only one tiny adjustment made to the handlebars to make it right again- dumb thing~haha But, we got 'er done. Afterwards I drove home on the four wheeler and did some odds and ends and got the chores done, Jeff went home for the day. Right about that time Merle was pulling in from rapid so he stopped and helped me finish things up. I was going to then go with him to town to eat with Brandi and Andrea at 7:30 but he called and they were still opening weddign shower they still are there- so we turned around and headed back home for some hamburger. My theory was at least I was already showered and didn't have to worry about it before I went to sleep! We ate, and then I lost my first game of cribbage! Dang! I'm gunna have to brush up on my skills.

Tonight we had a pretty big storm go through , well it's not completley through yet but it sure had some lightning and made lots of noise. We put all the vehicles in sheds so of course it didn't hail- maybe that's a good tactic! lol Over the whole hour of two we got .52 inches- quite a bit! I really home it is done now so our fences won't get torn back out! Otherwise, I just decided to take my sore body to bed- I'm sure I will live, just might need some Tylenol tomorrow. Not sure what tomorrow might bring...we'll see.

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