Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Fun times had by all today. We started off with the normal chores and then met at the shed to figure out where everyone was headed. Merle had an appointment in Pine Ridge today, so haying would be real slow, as there wouldn't be a baler. Ross went out and started cutting hay while Tina and Jeff tackled a few tasks. They drilled holes in the shed floor to anchor the air compressor down, and then put the loader and bale mover attachments back on the tractors to move bales. They eventually spent most of their day stacking bales. I, on the other hand had a completely different task. I defrosed deep freezers- one of those things that you need to do but it never gets done. I started with a bunch of coolers and had to clean them out before I let them thaw. In the mean time, I ran to town and picked up Merle's half a beef to fill it back up with. While I was in town I got to stop at the post office...only one bill in the box, how lovely.

By the time I made it back the freezer had thawed enough to clean it, then Merle helped me put the meat in since he was in the house doing some bookwork before he left. When I finished that I came down to the milk house and did the same thing with another freezer. Let me tell you, we will not be running out of beef or buffalo any time soon. I packed four coolers full of buffalo meat and then ran up and picked up the lawn mower that Merle said had run out of gas. So, I filled it up and went to start it- no luck. To me, it sounded like the engine wasn't getting fuel so I poked around a while until I found that the fuel line was dissconnected and let one tank go completely dry. That explained the running out and not restarting. I managed to get that fixed, finish the mowing, and put the mower back in the shed. I also spent a few minutes helping Jeff move a fuel tank too. The freezer still hadn't thawed out so I decided to head out and poison some p-dogs. Boy, poison wheat is so much easier than those phos toxin pills. I found plenty of holes to hit and I hope it does the trick. The hardest part was getting it far enough down the holes in the horse pasture so that they won't get to it, those little farts, they would probably try that. But, I got the job done and came back just in time, before the four wheeler ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere, and with enough time to clean out the freezer. So, after I got everything all put away and whatnot, I headed back and cleaned out the freezer. Then, I started putting the meat back in; about this time Merle got back and helped me put all the meat back in.

As soon as we finished up the cooler task, Merle went out to the field and I stayed back and did chores. When I finished them, I headed right back out to the hay field to take over the rake for Tina. We hayed until about 8:30 when it started to get dark, then headed in and ate supper.

All in all it was a good day with all sorts of fun things to do, but now I must go to bed. Sounded like it could storm tonight, so we'll be watching the weather close- hopefully no hail!

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