Monday, July 5, 2010

little of this little of that

Of course getting out of bed this morning was not all that fun- but I got up and did chores without too much sleep walking.

Merle said that we were going to go fetch bulls that were out today so we got the horses in and Dean and I saddled ours up. We had to wait a bit for Delbert and his help to show up so I started cleaning and organizing things in the milkhouse- one of those projects that you don't really plan, you just do; but you would never guess the kind of stuff you can find in a place like that! lol. I cleaned, Dean watched. I think he eventually caught the drift and swept the floor or something- congratulations Dean. Aside from that, Delbert showed up with Heather and Cody (his part time help) and Stephanie (Merle's nice- Nancy's daughter) and we all loaded up and took off. We stopped and picked up Delberts bull taht I chased into the wrong pasture that I talked about a couple weeks ago. With so many horses he wasn't too bad, but he gave us plenty of grief. Delbert commented that he will make some good bologna. Once we got him halfway there I went back and grabbed Delbert's pickup and met them at teh corrals from hauling out the fall calvers that we left set up just for this reason. Once we got him loaded into Delbert's trailer we went and fished Merle's super spooky yearling bull out of Glen's fall calvers. We didn't even try to sort him off- jsut took some cows with and then brought the cows back. Loading him through the tub and into the trailer was quite the chore- but we managed. Then, we ran out to pull some of Delbert's extra bulls but they weren't close by, so we just called it a nice trail ride and headed back. During that time I managed to get stung by a gajillion sweat bees and my throat started swelling up on the outside adn inside. Then, came the jokes about who would have to give Sara mouth to mouth when she passes out....if you don't get it-don't ask. Needless to say, I told them if I had to wake up to that I would probably have a heart attack anyway. Stephanie told me not to worry, she'd just shock me with the hot shot! Anyway, after bsing long enough we all headed our separate ways. We stopped and helped Ross at the windrower. He had gone and picked up the belt he needed and we took pulleys and shields apart and got it back on and tightened his sickles. Then, we headed home- on the way he radioed to say that he was leaking oil again. Good grief, we can't win. We told him to eat his lunch and that we would be out with some oil and hytran after a bit. We got the horses unsaddled and the bull unloaded and Stephanie, Merle, and I went in for dinner and had some burgers.

After dinner, Nancy and John came and picked up Stephanie and Merle and I headed out to the hayfield. Dean and Ross had figured out where the oil was coming from but the bolt was up under the header and looked like there was a valve behind it so we didn't mess with it much. Merle is going to try to get ahold of a mechanic from Modern Farms in Gordon tomorrow and see what they say. So, we had him park it and helped Dean switch from bale forks and a loader bucket to the hydraswing. We all greased up and took off. Merle and I didn't have much to do because Ross had only gone a couple rounds before he broke down. But, it was rough and pretty unlevel so it took long enough. Dean cut hay the whole time- hopefully he got enough down to keep us busy for a while. All the hay is ready at once but we all only have two arms and legs...dang!

After getting it all put up and following Ross's maize through the dam we headed home and did chores. My "college bull" was along the fence again- he's starting to become a pretty good conversation piece. Of course, this morning when it would have been perfect to load him out right there, he was gone. But, oh well. We were commenting tonight how sometimes follwing the windrower and hydraswing is like playing those games where you have a maize and a little ball has to roll through never know where it will go next and most of the time you hit a dead end!'s true I swear! haha

But, we made it through the day ok. I finished the milkhouse cleaning to some extent after chores adn then helped unload some feed and milk that Adrienne picked up while she was in Rapid today. It was a good day- who know what tomorrow has in store!

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