Thursday, July 15, 2010

put 'er up

I'm going to try to make this short and sweet because sleep is of the essence.

So today was a typical haying day. Did chores without much difficulty- then went to the shed and got the pickup ready and fed the chicks...who are ridiculously afraid of me I might add. I so badly wanted to grab one and try to tame them down but I'm pretty sure they would die of a heart attack in the process! After gettinge everything refilled and fueled up I grabbed my lunch and then Merle and I took off for the farming tractor. Meanwhile, Dean and Ross went up to get their machines and bring them home for a bit.

We got the water filter changed on the tractor and filled it with quite a bit of antifreze and fuel. We even got the cab filter changed so that tractor should be in pretty decent shape. We still need to work on the seat and the cyllinders for the hood...but we're getting there! Ross pulled up just as we were finishing up. He was ready to run the chisel. ...and that he did. After getting him going and setting the radio to his station (my assigned job each time he gets in the tractor! haha), we headed off for the hayfield. Since we ended up parked in different spots after bailing from the crop duster yesterday, I helped Merle get serviced- he thought it was a pretty good deal cuz I got him running and then had to go do my own! lol, what a mean boss! I actually managed to get diesel everywhere more than once because for whatever reason the saddle fuel tanks on his tractor wanted to burp fuel everywhere every ten it was a slow fill but I finally got it up there.

He started out and I went and serviced my rig. It needed antifreeze so I managed to get that all over me as I smelled like diesel and antifreeze...hmmm appetizing. From that point on we just basically hayed all afternoon until we finished all that was cut down for us. Adrienne came at lunch so I visited with Rylee in the backseat while eating my homemade ham sandwich (a Sara specialty). She was in a much better mood today! Lunch was kinda funny cuz Merle made Adrienne pull up on the hill so we could watch the neighbor cut was entertaining I guess...I bet he thought we were a little creepy! Then, we hopped back in the tractors and took off for some more dry dry dry hay.

We got it all put up except the little part that was cut narrow for squre bales. Tomorrow we are going to go get the baler...I'm sooo excited- can you tell? We also need to change the chisels to sweeps now...if I get to throw bales and change spikes on the chisel that'll just make my day! haha- I'll live and get over it. I did managed to string a broken bale out the wrong way today- but other than that it wasn't too bad.

After haying we came home and did chores. We had more planned but wimped out becasue it was getting late. In fact, I think I'll wimp out right now and finish my packing in the morning.

I will be taking off tomorrow afternoon/evening for home and heading to Iowa for the New Century Farmer Conference (through FFA) on Sunday. I will be there through Saturday. I'm pretty excited, but like I've said before- it's hard to leave here when I can see so much that needs done. But, I'm sure they can get by without me- it's been done forever so why worry now!

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