Wednesday, August 18, 2010

4 wheellin'

Another busy day. We decided to start the day with a bit more of yesterday!

After getting chores done, Ross and Merle and I fueled up and got the four wheelers ready for an excursion. Yesterday Merle beat up his four wheeler pretty bad, but none the less he was bound and determined to use it anyway. So, we spent some time changing the tire and taking the box off the back before we left. Then, checked oil on all the four wheelers and loaded them up in the horse trailer. Adrienne and Rylee came along on the trip out to drop us off. We went out by the big unit to start and rode a lot of Delbert and Scott's pastures to see what we could scrounge up for steers because we are for sure still missing a bunch of about 20 or so.

The hunt was on, we found four steers in the second pasture we rode and ended up taking them home to the long narrow pasture and combining them with six we already had there. We got those ten back in with the others which really helped our numbers but didn't solve the question of just where all of them went to. We rode a bit more before dinner and I came acoss a few fun things. We shoved a bunch of the neighbor's cattle back into their pasture through a gate they tore down (we think) that is not next to the fenceline we put these steers in, with hope that they would stay there until Monday. In the process of doing that, I managed to find a gate between that pasture and Deblert's pasture totally gone. Both posts were busted. When the three of us met up later and put a couple of his cows back through it we just moved the wires from the broken posts on to the ones that were stationary there. For now, it will kinda defeat the purpose of a gate, but it will hold them out! After getting that little project done, we gave in and headed home. Four for the morning is much better than none, and really, we got 10 back in so horray for us.

After we got in and went up for dinner and ate some pizza and fair cake with the ice cream I picked up the other day. I went to get it out of my freezer this morning to find that I had put in in there upside down. So, it's like way overful and sticky on the outside and to top it all's maple nut. It looks like vanilla from the outside but does not taste like it...oops. I ate it anyway! So, after experienceing Maple Nut ice cream for the first time I got up and took on the afternoon.

Merle decided to go and string salt and look at Dick's for some more calf pellets since we're out. While they were gone doing that, I was helping Ross get teh chisel ready for some bottoms down south. First, I took off this tire that has been low and was ready to take it in to get fixed because that's waht Ross wanted done, but by the time it was all said and done I just put it back on and decided to take it in another day. We needed to get something done- so we'll do it after he uses it. We moved one sweep over and did a few little maintenance things while greasing it and cleaning it off. Then, he pulled up to the shed to wash windows and get air in that flat tire. Well, that bad news was that we had already pinned the whole deal up so I had to do some serious climing to get to the tire. I bet it was entertining to watch- but I"ll have you know as of 2pm that tire had air in it!

After what seemed like forever, we got him going and I went grabbed a four wheeler to get ready to check wells. I stopped by home and got my water jug and tarp strapped it in really good, although it still came out a time or two it didin't break anyway! I took off and of course, the first well I got to was running over. Since I took a four wheeler, I have no tools and for some dumb reason brought neither salt and mineral or prairie dog poinson. I like to get more than one thing done when I got that far from home but it was looking liek I wouldn't even get the well fixed. I figured out the problem and had only one way to fix it without a wrench. I tried my pocket knife plier but they wouldn't cut it. So, I just shut off teh elcectricity and told the cows to drink it down while I checked the others. The other two were working good- I did take som time to clean moss out, but other than that I lucked out conisdering all the lightning we have had. When I go tback to the first welll again they had drank what seemed like hardly anything. So, I bailed some water out and then sat there while they drank more. After a while I tinkered around with it enough and got enough water out of the darn thing that it started working agian. Hooray for miriales! At least I got something accomplished because i didn't deserve to after bringing no tools! After I got that done I headed for home.

Just as I was pulling up I saw a harvesting semi come out of the driveway via the autogate. There was another one coming jusst as I got to the gate, After getting that all set an dond with I deicded tht it was probablyfor the best that they heded out anyway. They have been parked here for quite a while, but must have finally found some wheat to harvest out north somewhere. In that short amount of time I was home I grabbed some water for me an salt and tools for the next well. Then, I took off for Chief Bears and checked the wells there.It's always better to check than to assume~ tha's for sure. They looked good, so I turned aroudn and came home to do chores. Merle had an apt tnoight so Ijust put all the feed out and finsished chores first off.
The calves thought they were jsut starving. But, I get thme all fed and then life was much better. After chores I hopped back on the four wheeler and wetn tot check heavy cows. This took forever cuz I was short one cow and i looked and loked for her until I finally saw her on my way back with a brand new calf. Yey, for calves but it sucks wehen they hide with them! Eventually I made it home and am not ready for bed.

I was just noticing the ranom streaks of bruuses on tmy lgs from all the tree branches in the timber reserve. But, I now have a bruise on the insided of both gues is that some horses had me holdin on tight and I don't even renember ti. ...or I got to roundy with the foru wheeler. Guess we'll never know- I just thought it was dkinda funny.

Well, I finally got in an dnow I"m sleep=typing. We'll catch you all later!

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