Thursday, August 12, 2010

What a BLAST!

O boy where to start.
So I'm gunna try to make it short cuz I have to be in the firehall at 5am to make pancakes...

I got up at five and was out the door by five thirty this morning. O what fun it is to drive in teh morning without falling asleep! So...I stopped at the gas station in Martin and grabbed some snacks and then headed out to Gordon for the Sheridan County Fair.

So I beat the clan there but I did find them and boy was Panelope worried. I walked over and here are all the calves waiting in line to weigh in. Most of them are a little nervous, looking around, not holding still and here she is...eating grass and shooting her cud. Yeah, no big worries there. So, she had to be ready in about twenty minutes so we quick got things going and got here ready to go. Brandy had to go buy a can of moouse that we were short and I started in on the calf. We got her all prettied up and ready to go just in time. Hayden took her over and did showmanship. He didn't place first or second there and they don't place the rest- but he had another chance yet to show. After he showed, they had cloverbud showmanship (for the little ones). So, we didn't realize this so Hannah goes and grabs her calf and we throw them in the ring. Probably the cutest thing ever. She really didn't have much of a clue but smiled pretty and got a good rainbow colored participant ribbon.

We sat for a bit and then went and did a little more work on Panelope whom I might add is a 505lb bucket calf! LOL, I helped Hayden practice a few show tips and asked him questions before he went in and boy was he ready. On the way to the ring the calf layed nice lol. But we got her up and cleaned her off- must have been all too stressful to be primped and shown all morning- yeah right. He went in the ring and did a super job. The judge asked him questions that he was sure of all the answers on and ended up getting Grand Champion Bucket Calf! The judge mentioned that she had never seen a bucket calf that big before but admitted that she did believe us and it was a bucket calf! haha

Well, that pretty much made Hayden's year, winning a division. So, he brings her back and we took her down and cleaned everything out of her hair that we put in. Then, I went and ate with Merle and Adrienne and Ross and Marva and Judd and Brandy (the whole crew was there) at the concession stands and talked a while. I wanted to watch more of the show and Rylee was getting hot. So, eventually Merle and Adrienne headed out, I stayed and watched the show and then headed out. It was a very successful and fun day at the fair. Some night I will get the photos onto mycomputer and on here s you can see this beast of a little calf.

I stopped at the gas station in gordon to get their amazing ice cream before I left but the machine wan't working so I was bummed and went on my merry way with an ice cream bar and pop instead. When I got back home, I took a short nap, and then Mary and I headed down to Merles to pick up a gun and do some p dog hunting! First, I brought him this whole box of .22 ammo that my mom sent as replacement/gift for all the shells we've shot. Then, after giving it to him I ask if I can take some...haha that's super polite right?! So, he sends us with a second gun and some ammo and off we go.

We had such a good time- o my word. We didn't actually see a ton of prairie dogs but we sure killed the ones we saw. Usually we shoot hundreds of rounds but we only shot about 50 today which is odd. It didn't seem like that but heck, it was fun! A lot of the towns have been heavily poinsoned so we have gotten rid of most of the dogs, but what was left we tried to wipe out! haha At our very last town I had to call and make sure I was headed the right way, but I was and it worked out. We got cut a little short there because it was getting dark, but we got plenty killed:) So....the best part of the day besides all the pictures taken and cattle and landscape seen was the Glock 22 pistol that Mary carries. We got that thing out in one of the big hay fields and I put a grease rag on a bale and we had at 'er. It was sooo much fun! We took hillarious pictures too boot. I have never shot a pistol but I think I am now hooked- pretty much amazing. So...if anyone feels the need for my birthday or Christmas (hint hint). Lol, I'm not sure that I could convince anyone to be a part of getting me one of those! haha I even hit the target several times so I was happy!

All in all, we had an awesome afternoon- I was super tired but it really didn't matter cuz it was sooo much fun! I love to shoot, and that's just what we did. But, eventually all things come to an end adn we had to come home. Haven't done much since but talk, work on the computer and eat pizza. I better go to bed to make pancakes for the breakfast tomorrow!

"Conquer their hearts and their minds...two to the chest, one to the head" -Cop quote (no we really aren't killing ppl but it's pretty funny)

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