Wednesday, August 11, 2010


O what a day. I had a really hard time motivating myself to do anything today for no apparent reason, but I picked up the pace by tenish.

So, after chores and feeding the little squirt who has really taken to sucking down the bucket of milk now we took on the day. First, Ross and Merle and I went out and put out six or seven pairs of fall calvers. As it turns out we missed one, but we did pretty good- she can go out tomorrow.

After we got that done, Merle went to take Delbert's trailer back and Ross and I took off for the field. I got his fuel and air compressor ready and he put his grease and everything together. Then, we headed out to the field. I spent quite some time out there getting him ready to go. Right before I left I was pounding on the sweeps to get some dirt off of them and I noticed a broken sweep. So...we spent the next 20 minutes trying to find washers that would fit and puttting them on. I tried to draw down teh sweep as far as I could in hopes that it would stay. I didn't hear anymore about it, so I'm hoping it stuck with it until we can get a new one.

Once I got back home, Merle was running to town to get a tool for the winshield repair guys who came to put a new windshield in the windrower. Apparently they showed up in this car that didn't look like a company vehicle at all and then didn't have the right tools. I guess Merle had to run to town to get them but the guys turned out to be good at their job- just appeared a little sketch. So, he was in Martin- and I started in on a new project.

Mowing the jungle. So, for whatever reason mowing lawn has not been at the top of our priority list because there are a lot of other constructive things to do. (Can you tell that I hate mowing) So, I get out the mower and can't figure out where the air filter is. I finally decided that we must have been running it without one so I went ahead and started it. As far as I know, a small engine can handle that for a bit with no major problems. I started in's hot and there is a lot to mow down, but it wasn't all that bad. Once I got going, Adrienne came home and stuck her head out the door with an air filter so hooray for that- the mower now had a bit cleaner air to use.

By the time I was almost done it was dinner time, so I quit and ate, then went back to it. Rylee was not impressed with life today and fighting sleep so she made dinner interesting- but good :) After I finished the lawn we did some work in the garden and mowed down some other weeds. Then, on to the next task.

By this time, Mary (mom's best friend who wanted to come out where she can shoot a gun and kill a prairie dog) was here so I ran to check and make sure she got in. She was all set, so I grabbed a pop and headed out to the hayfield. We were originally just going to hay for a whiel so that we could go down and see Hayden get his chicken auctioned off but there was just too much to do so everyone will have to get their fill of fair tomorrow.

We got all the hay that was down put up. In some bottoms there was virtually no hay and Ross sholdn't have even wasted the fuel to cut it. We were laughing cuz in one of them you couldn't find the windrow even after I raked it and then Merle was giving me a hard time about missing windrows! He got like 1/4 of a bale off the whole bottom that time!

When we finished we came home and did chores. Adrienne helped me fiished things out and then went to check the heavy cows. I finshed chores and came home. Since that time Mary and I have been laughing and telling stories and I have been doing some work on the computer. Good news of the night- I got an email from national ffa saying that they are considering me for the natinoal nominating committee. Which means that I have a chance to serve on the committee that nominates the national officers. I'm pretty excited to even fill out the application!

Anyway, it's waaayyy past my bedtime. I gotta leave at 5:30 tomorrow to make it to Gordon by 7 to help Hayden with his bucket calf. Hooray! That will be fun:) ...if I sleep first.

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