Sunday, August 8, 2010

The day after...

Well, to day was just riveting- let me tell you about it.

I got home around 5:45am. Went to bed. Called Merle at 6:30 to tell him I would take him up on his offer to do chores this He said we weren't doing much today because by the time they got back and picked up Rylee it was late too. (Not 5am, but past midnight). So, I slept and answered the phone most of the morning. Then, got up and cleaned and did some bookwork and laundry and such.

I did chores this afternoon and fought with a calft Merle found out in the Baldy pasture the other day. We can't teach the little fart to suck yet- hope he catches on soon. Then, I got the pickup back up at the house. That about sums it up. It's been actually pretty nice to get a few things done for myself (still not enough though) and catch up on sleep.

I know that Ross did some windrowing this morning so I'm sure there will be bottom hay to rake tomorrow and summer fallow to chisel. We'll see.

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