Sunday, August 22, 2010

'Steer'in towards school

For being one of my last posts, this won't be too exciting- but I can't make up any stories to tell you that would ever top the things I have already gotten into this summer.

I got up and met everyone for chores this morning. Merle had started a little early before I got there because Delbert was coming. Ross and I finished chores and grabbed horses and saddle up. Delbert was there shortly after we caught our horses and we hooked up to his trailer (it has three gates rather then two). We loaded our three horses and Merle's four wheeler up.

First stop, south of the place to put a run away steer in. Merle just happened to see him out this morning. We got over there, found him, and Delbert and I were working him towards the gate when he just decided to hop the fence. Delbert's commetn: graceful as an elk. haha- he didn't break any wires to we'll have to give him that.

After we got him back in we loaded back up and took a trip over to Risse's big pasture. You have to drive quite a ways to get over there, but once we did, it didn't take long. We stopped at the well Delbert last saw the steer at, and unloaded there. We took the horses one way and Merle went the ohter. Within a couple minutes he was calling Delbert telling us he had already found the steer. Well...that didn't take long- this is why four wheelers can be so handy.

As we were riding over there I asked Delbert where the corrals were from here- he said: "right here" as he pointed to his rope in hand. Ahh...yes, this might be much better than going the two miles to the corrals to load the sucker up. So, we come up on him and tried to keep him moving north since the wind was so crazy so Delbert could throw a loop. He missed him the first time (i don't think the wind helped at all) and then the steer cheap shotted him. It took about 200 yards and he played out. Just stopped and basically walked into the rope! haha...I could really use that against Debert if I wanted, but it would do not good since I couldn't swing a rope if my life depended on it! ...but i wanna learn.

So, he got him roped and Merle brought the trailer over to load him. He wouldn't jumped right in if Delbert's horse woulda on the first try. But, that didn't work so we finally got the horse in and he drug the steer right with him. Then did some rearranging and got the steer in one compartment, the 3 horses in the other, and the four wheeler at teh back. That worked pretty nice. When we got him we dropped the little fart off with the rest of em right out the side door of the trailer and headed home. We unloaded and let the horses out. Delbert and Merle switched tailers around while I brout a few things of Merle's in the house that I had stashed away at my house all summer. Then, I sat around playing with Rylee for a while and decided that i had better go home and pack.

When I got here I thought it would be a good time for a nap, so I layed down at about 11 with intentions of getting up at 11:30. yeah, like that ever works. 12:30 rolls around and I finally get up and start moving. I spent my entire afternoon basically packing. Boy, it sure wasn't fun. I don't really have that much stuff considering I live in a house by myself, but it's a very very tight fit in my car. I really didn't feel that good today for whatever reason, so the packing was a little slow, but I got most everything boxed up.

I think Merle strung some salt this afternoon and Ross went home after we chased the steer this morning, so we weren't extremely productive. O well, you have to have those days once in a while. I would have liked to mow my lawn, but that wasn't gunna happen from the start. It was way too hot and unbelieveably windy to even want to have grass clippings all over my face in the 100 degree heat. Besides, it took all afternoon and evening to pack and clean.

I took another nap this afternoon cuz I felt like crap. Then did chores, and came home and put most of my stuff in my car. I've decided that my saddle isn't going to fit. But on second thought, that isn't the worst thing ever cuz I"m guessing it will smell after the morning's ride. I'll be back to use it before I would need it at home anyway, so it's not really that big of a deal.

So, most of it is packed up and I have the house pretty clean. Just a few last minute things need to be put in the car and cleaned up. I may need to pick up my mail as well- or I could just skip that part and hope I don't get anything. It's hard to believe the summer is already over! I don't wanna go hit the books at school- not even a little. It will be nice to see my friends, but I'm not excited to become stressed to the max over stupid schoolwork. I know this coming week will be awful with work training and all sorts of preparations for a training I am holding for students involved in a mentor program that I started as the Ag Bio Advocate for the college this year.

Anyway, this has been an amazing summer, once again. Live and learn is probably the best way to put in in few words.

I will write tomorrow when I get back if I have internet and report if I make it in one piece without blowing a tire because my poor car is so weighted down!

"There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day." -Alexander Woollcott

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