Monday, August 9, 2010

Cell Phone Finally! here goes today.

I did chores and really never did get my feet on the ground. It was one of those days where you're eyes are open but you really can't mentally function. I realy dont' have any reason to feel that way- just was.

When Ross showed up I was doing chores- he gave me a hard time about taking the chores off yesterday morning. Lol- I told him I didn't want to drive home in the I just waited till the sun came up! haha So after chores Merle said that we were going to go go rake and bale what Ross had cut down last night. Merle went to check the fall calvers, Ross headed out with the windrower, and I stayed at teh shop and started servicing. First, I ran out of grease and had a heck of a time finding more...when I finally did- the tube was all crushed so I had to mess with that and get grease everywhere. Eventually, i got that under control. I got everything greased and then ran home quick to grab a snack and make a phone call before 10am central time. I got that taken care of and when i came back Merle and I unhooked loaders adn tried to get everything hooked back up again. After quite a bit of servicing, we finally headed off to teh bottom ground over south. We got one piece put up and then headed in for ldinner. Merle found out he needed to run into town quick after dinner so we all headed in. I needed groceries and to get my phone and mail so it worked pretty good. Before we could get too much done, the fire whistle went off. So, we headed to the fire hall.

I don't have gear at the fire hall- I keep all mine at home. so the first thing I did was steal the chief's wife's gear. lol- I knew she want' coming. Then, I hopped in a suburban with Josh and Dalan. The supposed wreck was north of Batesland so it was a little trip over there. During that time we shared in lots of random conversation and I also realized that I had two left handed gloves. haha- Dalan and I weren't too excited, just ready to go. Josh on the other hand, is just a nervous type of kid. So, the ambulance in front of us radios over that they can't find it. Then, the conversation begins and we are all confused as to where to go and what is wrecked and blah blah blah. Come to find out, some dude went into the ditch and drove right out. The neigboring rancher saw it and thought it was pretty serisous or something dumb like that. So, we decided it was a nice day for a drive with lights and sirens on I guess. To top it all off, as we were pulling up there was this green box thing in the distacne and it looked like a green combine. So, I made some comment about it being a combine and Dalan started betting against me. Well, we were still arguing about it by the time all the rescue rigs determined that our wreck wasn't much o f a wreck and we all turned around and headed back home. We get a ways down the roaded headed back to town and Dalan and I finally convince Josh to turn the rig around cuz we wanna settle up on this bet. It was hillarious, as we turn around and head back we are meeting confused brush tucks and the other rescue truck...we just waved politely and sped on by. As we turned on the mile road that this green box was on, the cop came flying behind us. Nice work Martin're just a little late. So, we just keep on going and finally get to what I was seeing. As it turns out it was a green tractor parked next to a couple green water tanks. I think I was close enought- but Dalan still won! Dang! Meanwhile, this cop is still following us, probably thinking that we are looking for a car wreck...

So basically, now you now what goes on inside a fire truck when they speed past you on a highway or gravel road. Ok, not really, but we sure had fun giving Josh a hard time. When it comes time to do the job, it gets done right. But, when there is a long ride involved we have to find something to do! We made it back to town, fuelded up and parked our truck. I think one of the funniest parts was that no one asked any questions. They probably just figured that it was us three in one truck and they did'nt want to knwo what the heck we were up to.

Adrienne, we still there waiting for us at the fire hall. So, I returned my stolen gear, (haha) and we hopped into the pickup. We stopped by the grocery store so I could get some food for myself and my company. Tomorrow, my mom's good friend Mary is coming out to stay for a few days. She is writing a book series and came out las tsummer and loved it here. So, she want to come again to get some more writing done where it is quit. She also wants to shoot her pistol and kill some prairie dogs too! haha- so it will be nice to have somone around to talk to other than facebook! After getting some food that normal people eat, we headed back home.

I dropped my groceries off at the house and we headed down for chores. After getting the new calf to suck twice today and feeding everyone else we finished chores. It has been trying to rain all day but never succeeded, so after chores we went down and rolled up the hay in Delbert's lot (that wasn't supposed to be cut) adn the haypen. That put us up until about 8.
Merle invited me down for fish, so I stuck around and had some amazingly tasty fish. Hooray for eating supper! haha- it was really good too.

As soon as I got inmy house I started in with my phone. It finally made it here today- but I had to get it actived. I've got it going now, but let me tell ya, it's hard to activate a phone with no service! But, I got it done:) Now, I'm at least semi connected back with the world. We'll see how this phone works out- I hope it's not too big and that it will stay in my pocket. Anyhow, I'm just excited that it works!

But, after such an eventful yet unproductive day in the life of Sara- I am falling asleep at the computer, so I think I will bid you adue.

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