Sunday, August 1, 2010


What a Sunday.

So I was a bad person today and I didn't go to church. Instead, I spent my time with three furry black guys...I mean bulls! haha! Had you fooled didn't I?!

This morning mom got up and boiled her coffee on the stove...I still think it's pretty ridiculous. I was actually woke up this morning (well I guess we were all woke up) by my pager going off at about 5:30am. It was all for ONE bale that was on fire east of Martin one mile. Seriously...they got me out of bed for that. I said screw it and went back to bed. Not more than 15 minutes later they paged for the dumb thing again! Mom was asking me if we were going to go and I said heck no- if someone in town can't go one mile and watch a bale burn then it'll have to burn by itself! haha...I think in the end three gusy showed up and watched it burn. That's about all you can do with a bale besides string it out so I'm sure it was really riveting to watch.

Anyway, I rolled out of bed and we headed down for chores. After getting them done and getting the ponies in I grabbed Tanner and mom took Nelly again. The same crew as yesterday saddled up and we loaded into the trailer and headed out to the Big Unit. It's a pretty long ways in there and I was laughing as mom asked if we were in the pasture or not...well we're in someone's pasture but just not ours! Anyway, I think she definitly knows what I mean when I say "way out there". So, we get there and ride away from the trailer towards the gate for teh pasture that we need to be in and as Nicole, Adrienne, Mom, and I come over this knoll I see this steer. It's one of ours that got out into the Unit and than jumped that fence as well. Of course, he couldn't go back into the gate any of the three times we tried to chase him so we ended up bringing him to the other gate and sending him that way. Mom and I headed back to the east side as the rest of the troop took the west and middleish parts. Just after I locked the gate shut (These gates are helps with trespassing) Adrienne calls me. She said that she lost her rope chasing the steer and was wondering if I could look for it. Only one problem..I had just locked the gate. So, I got off and walked around for a bit but didn't have much luck. She said it wasn't too big of a deal cuz it wasn't the best rope anyway but I still felt bad. I crawled back through the fence and got back on. At this point I wasn't sure what exactly to do. Mom and I had a pretty good chunk to cover and it could be done pretty fast with two people and we would still beat the others to the gate. So, mom offered to split up and I asked if she was sure- she said yes. So basically, I sent my mother off into oblivion.

At one point I called her adn told her that she should see a fenceline and once she does to go north. Well, may not have mentioned to look on the horizon for the fenceline...she calls me later to tell me that it is quite a ways off! haha- oops, I maybe should have explained that better. But, for the most part we stayed pretty close to each other. We couldn't see one another at all or talk to each other but I was pretty sure of her whereabouts. Eventually I got ahold of her and said that we would probably all meet up at teh creek. And I'll be darned- we did. I will admit I was mildly worried to send my mother off into a pasture of 2500 acres or so that she had never been in before- but somehow it worked. I did see a couple buck antelope today- that was pretty cool.

When we got down to the creek the crew was there with three bulls- just what we needed. So, with all of us happening to meet up there but Ross we took off for the gate with teh bulls. Ross was back off chasing some yealings. He was not impressed that we didn't get more out today but we all know they will jsut go right back through the fence. Anyway, we got the bulls pushed out and started to head towards theri holding pasture with the horses along the road. We got about halfway there when Nicole made some comment about her butt getting sore. So mom offers her this gell pad thing thast she was sitting on. It fits right on your saddle. So here we are in the middle of a pasture chasing bulls and these two switch saddle seat pad things. It was pretty hillarious. Well, at least this way Nicole will be able so walk adn sit tomorrow withough hurting to bad hopefully.

In the long run, we got back to the horse pasture and let our bulls go to water. We all grabbed a water for ourselves and hopped in. Of course, Ross demands to ride in the bed and today Dean had to ride with him because Rylee was along. She wa a lot of fun compay!

On our way home I took a pretty good picture of Adrienne and Rylee that I need to share soon. Once we got back and unsaddled, I unhooked the trailer and then mom and I headed home to get grandma. She was already doing some cooking so we had to stop her from diong that and brought her with down to dinner. Today was tastly hot dogs and humburgers off thr grill. Afterward we sat around for a while and b-sed and talked. Eventually, we headed towards home. Mom and Grandma were tired so they took a nap. I suppose I coudl have taken a nap because I could have used one- but instead I felt the need to be productive and worked on a few things for school. Durning this time Merle was up filling in a tank an Adrienne was in town with Grandma....things were quiet. When they got up we went for a drive to teh north. I took them up a backroad that goes to Interieor that has a fabulous view!

Once we got to our sight seeing spot we decided that was enough for today. So, we gazed aroudn adn went home the other way. We managed to get some good pictures of that too. AFter getting back home we couldn't tell if it was gunna rain or not so I quick fast went down adn did chores and then decided to bring in the horses.

I almost took Dan this morning but I decided not to becaus I didn't wanna have to work on him and get after him all tht time that we were looking for bulls. So, after chores mom adn I saddled up adn went for a short ride around the palce with Dan and Nelly. Dan was great, I didn't have any problems with him. I really didn't think I would anyway, but I was worth some type of ride anyway. It was fun to get on him again- I have forgotten how smooth riding of a horse he is. That makes it so nice and easy. But, it was a good short ride adn we were ready to quit. We unsaddled and I threw them back out in the pasture and off we went for home. Granmda was cooking some eggs for me to eat later in the week while making stir fry as well. Dinner was super tasty...but now I'm sleepy and need to go to bed.

All in all it was a great day- I was rather hot though and I never purposly meant to leve my mom alone on 2500 acres, but I'm so glad it worked out and she enjoyed it. They seem to have had a good time and Im always excited to have some people in the house. But, I'm super tired and half of this post probaby doesn't make sense because I'm falling asleep. I hope that Nicole made it home ok and that Rylee let's Adrienne get some sleep tonight!

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