Friday, August 20, 2010

Leaps and Bounds

Hm- another day.

I got up on time this morning, grabbed a pop tart and headed out the door. After chores the first stop was the steer pasture. I saddled up Bowdie and Ross grabbed Joe and Merle grabbed his trusty red horse with the black nose (aka Honda) and we loaded up. Adrienne road with us out to the psture and then her and Rylee went back home with teh pickup and trailer.

We started in on the hunt because we were pretty sure there still had to be steers in that pasture- one for sure, but more werwe possible. Well, once Ross and I got going through the righ let down and met up with Merle we had two steers to chase right off the bat. This is one of those deals where it takes two pepole, so we took off with them and Merle kept on riding the pasture. We couldn't look much because one of out steers was a totaly pain in the butt. We did eventually get them across the pasture and where they belonged with the others, but much effort was put into it. Bowdie was about to kill me or make me laugh or maybe both today. He, more so than the other horses, like to leap across things instead of get his toes wet or step in a low spot. When I have time, I make him walk and not leap, but when were in a hurry he just does it. So, I felt like a regular hunter jumper and was laughing at the things he would try jumping at a full out lope. Needelss, to say it was dooable, just a little hard on the back.

Once we got out two obnoxious steers to the gate Merle called and said he was way back with a steer...yep just one. -that can be the worst with yearlings. So, we head back to meet up with him and just before we came over the hill Merle had lost sight of the steer. This only lasted just a second and the sucker was gone. We looked and looked for him, and coudln't find anything. We fainlly decdied we must have lost him for goof and if we did find him we would ahve a heck of a time getting him back now.

So, we weaved aroudn the pasture on our way home, and just happend to ride by the little fart. He had jumped the fence and well, heck yes we'll take hime home! So we drug some cows along and got him out the gate with teh other steers. It worked pretty good. At least we found 3 this morning- much better than none.

We got home and went in for dinner - still working on the sloppy joes, but where getting them taken care of. After dinner, Ross headed home and I took off for Gordon with Dean's old ranch pickup. First, I had to jump start it because the CB radio had been on without it being started in so long that it ran her down. BUt, we got the back end cleaned out and I headed for town. I needed to pick up a board for the tailgate hole adn get the tailgate fixed. First, I stopped at the body shop that is always ofpen, and no one was there. i was n't sure if I should leave it or not, so I jsut kept it with me. Then, I ran down to the Ace Hardware and got a better back board cut for the pickup. Once I got all that done I headed for Gordon. I got there and all went well.

I weighed, got laoded right away, got some salt to hold down the tarp, and headed back. I had to stop for some ice cream of course, and then hit the road. O, I almost forgot, while I was in Gordon I ran into Sue and MaryKay two ro three times and then ended up following them home. I laughed and asked if we always needed to drive this far to get together!

Once I got back home, I started in unloading corn. This is quite the taks because you have to get teh augar down out of the ceiling and then get it in the pickup and through the hole in the bulding. I was very resourceful with some twine and barrels to stand on- but I got it done. After I finished checked my phone that had a message from Adrienne saying that I didn't need to unload it- they would help later. Oops...too late. It's done now so who cares?

I got it unloaded adn did chores adn headed for home. We realized that we are out of milk replacer tonight and will have to get some tomorrow somewhere in town. ...oops, I totally didn't think to grab any in Gordon today either. I laughed cuz I have to chase those calves that get milk in some nights. And now tongiht, when there is no milk, they bellar and carry on. O, they'll survive!

After I got home I started packing and talking to friends on a Friday. I will have to really pack some more stuff tomorrow though. It's hard to believe I have just a couple days left:(

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