Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Down one phone and one man

I've decided to write earlier in the evening tonight so that it actually makes sense.

I went back and read the post I put up last night and had to laugh. It actually made more sense than I thought it would- I had to re-write several sentances more than once because I kept falling asleep!

Today was better than yesterday...maybe. This morning Dean came down to do chores right in front of me and I talked to him shortly when I got out of the pickup and then just ignored the rest of the conversation and headed for the milkhouse. He didn't follow. I didn't think a whole lot of it- just went ahead donig chores with Ross. After a bit, Ross says that he saw Dean walking up the hill. Around here you never know, but I had a pretty good idea. Yes, you guessed it- he quit or was fired or maybe both. So that leaves Ross and I for "hired help"....o boy.

We got the horses in and saddled up to go out to the horse pasture along the road and get the broken bull and the loaner bull in to head to the sale barn. I grabbed Dan today since I rode hima couple days ago and I figured why not. He had a minor fit after I saddled him up. Merle carried this big piece of cardboard by him and apparently it was just scary enough, but I think it was a combination between that and being mildly cinchy- although his cinch wasn't even close to tight. So, anyway- on the way there I kinda got the don't get bucked off speach mixed with the you shouldn't wear lace up boots speach. I probably deserved both but I guess that's life. Merle dropped Ross and I off along the road at teh horse pasture and he took Adrienne and her horse down to Dicks to grab the other loaner bull down there.

Ross and I found the two bulls we needed right close together so it was an easy push away from the others. They did give us some trouble when we had to go through the heifers but we managed. It was definitly good that there were two of us otherwise it would have never worked. We got about halfway there when I realized that my cell phone wasn't in my pocket and I knew that I had it at chores. I'm quite sure that it still remains somewhere out there in the grass... so anyway... we pushed the bulls home and kicked the horses out and put them in. Then, unsaddled and hooked up to Delbert's trailer to clean it out and bring it back. I didn't have any trouble with Dan and managed just fine but I shoudl still probably buy a pair of work boots...I'm just overly partial to my lace up ones.

Anyway, Merle and Adrienne showed up with the other bull about that time and we loaded all three up in their trailer. They headed out to Phillip for the morning to unload and wait for them to sell. Ross and I cleaned out Delbert's trailer and then took it back to his place. On the way through town, we stopped by their place and "ordered dinner." I can't belive Marva has tha tmuch patience...it was pretty funny though. We got up to Delbert's fine and unhooked and headed back towards Martin. We stopped and talked to Sue along the road on the way. When we got to town and in the house she was right behind us. We all ate some dinner and then headed back out. Before we could leave town we stopped and talked to Dave at the gas station adn I got my mail...which was mostly junk. Sidebar: if we are sooo concerned about being green and saving the environment why don't we outlaw bulk junk mailings?!

When we got back up Hisle road we just kept on going and picked up Dean's tractor out in the field and headed to the next field bales needed stacked in. Ross wanted to run the tractor so I ran the hydra bed and he ran the tractor the whole time. I don't know how long we were out there but we managed to get 3 piles of 22 up before the wall of wind and water hit. At that point, I knew that my phone was toast somewhere on the prairie.

We made it home and sat in the pickup for a while until it slowed up a bit. He grabbed some eggs and we sissied out on getting oats becasue they were just gunna get wet anyway. Ross headed home and I went into Merle and Adrienne's house for a while until it quit raining. Erin adn I watech some game show network and played with Rylee while the other two played a competitive game of cribbage...aren't we all so exciting? After a while Merle and I headed out and did chores in the rain so that we could make it to the fire training meeting at 7. After chores I headed home to find that one side of guard on the auto gate in my driveway m ust have blown over and got bent in the wind. There were not tracks leading to it that looked like someone hit it, so that was my best guess. I no more than got in the driveway when I realized that the rain was letting up and it wouldn't be a bad idea to go look for my phone in the half hour I had before we needed to leave. So, I grabbed a hat to keep the rain out of my eyes and headed down to get a four wheeler. I rode it all the way back to the south end of the pasture that runs along the creek at home here and didn't find anything but heifers. The spot that I thought it might be at teh gate was so underwater that there is no guess in knowing where it could be. My guess, is I won't ever find it and that stinks because I had lots of good pictures and info stored on it. Ugh....not to mention the fact that I can't reach anyone and it's such a habit to just call when you need something or have a question. But, I haven't given up yet, we'll see... I raced back home to get ready for the meeting and get out of here on time just to find out that they rescheduled it to next week. Good work boys...way to wait until the last minute.

So, I just gave up and went home. It's so wet that no matter what you drive it tears up the ground for a few hours anyway. Yesterday it ended up raining about a half inch here and today was just added to that. We had planned to ship out heifers in the morning but if it gets too muddy the trucks won't be able to make the hill. I am still waiting to hear what we will be doing.

Dang the mud- but you can't complain too much, this will help the grass grow and the fires dwindle. I'm gunna eat some supper. Tomorrow morning should be peaceful...I have no problem doing chores alone. And PS. I put this as my Facebook status: Sara lost her phone somewhere west of the river and under the saddle. If found please pay a visit to Hick's Ranch.

"Just think how happy you would be if you lost everything you have right now, and then got it back again." -Frances Rodman

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