Thursday, August 5, 2010


Now for today,
It was nice to get my extra 20 minutes of sleep this morning:) Merle and I did chores and then I learned the days plans.

Merle, decided that since there are somwhere around 50 fall calvers this year he would like to bring them closer to home to monitor the calving better since they were way out in Baldy as of this morning. In order to do so, Ross and Merle and I went out on four wheelers this morning and moved the steers that he had Delbert move northwest of the corrals yesterday. They weren't too far out there and we were able to move them to the pasture on the creek pretty easily. Then, we went back to the corrals and saddled up the horses. Erin came to babysit Rylee for the last time this morning before she goes off to Wee Fest and then school. So, Adrienne saddle up too. The three of us were able to find all the fall calvers and even tag a few in the pasture that were too fresh to move. I found one today! horray! I never find anything...haha. In the real world tha tisn't much of an accomplishment but I was excited. After tagging one that we found in the draw Adrienne adn I took this steep route out of a canyon and at the top her horse about slipped into a hole type thing that would have led to a long, nasty tumble...good thing the old grey was quick enough to move awary from it. We both about wet our pants I think!

Anway, we got al lthe cows bunched up except a few that they found in teh draw, and we moved them all together at a let down. We spent a few minutes there letting Merle tag the little calves and let those pairs go. After we got all the small ones tagged we headed out with the herd towards home. They moved pretty good fo rthe most past. When we got home, we sorted off the steers we scrounged up and the four cows left with bigger, earlier calves. We took those down to the corral and the rodeo began. Merle and Adrienne and I wrastled those four calves to get them tagged and get teh bulls cut. It was quite the experice to watch I bet. We managed, but they weren't any pip squeeks that's for sure. After getting them all taken care of without killing anyone, we loaded up the steers. Ross and I took the steers out to pasture and Merle went in to clean nuts! ...yes, they are good. By the time we were back and he was done, dinner was ready. We ate a tasty minute steak dinner and then got ready to go stack bales. During this time, I finally broke down before I left hte house and called my mom to ask her to get me a new cell phone from Sprint. Horray for her efforts, because they are overnighting it and it should show up in town tomorrow- so I'll have it by Saturday morning!

This afternoon Merle went into town to do errands and get his hair cut while Ross and I did some bale stacking. Before we started we had to do some serviceing- especailly adding hy tran to the flatbed. Apparently we added too much or it go a lot of air bubbles in it, beucasue onece in a while it would come streaming out of he cap. If you know an answer to thist-let me know. Otherwise, I'm gunna assume we put too much in and it had air in it.

At one point, I look over and ross is building something that looks nothing like the bale stacks we usually do. I didn't say anything and figured he had something in mind. Nope...I called him on the radio to ask how many bales he wanted for his bale castle, and he said he didn' tknow...wasn't sure what he was building. lol So, in short, he messe dup and didn't think/realize it until they were pretty much stacked a littel off kilter. So, he left them. I can about imagine what Merle will say when he drives up on that stack. Oh well, at lesast they were stacked, just a little different! I'm not better, periodically through the day I would get frustrated with my inability to back up completely straight to the second bale that you can only see though your side mirrors. In order to cure my frustration I would try to back up faster...which helps nothing. Although, I did get a pretty good laugh at myself a few times. The best was when Ross was determined to put this one stack on a fair side hill. Everytime I would unload they would either go rolling or roll into me...there was no winning. But despite all that, we got five stacks up in just a few hours- at least that puts a dent in things.

After stacking, we pikced up a couple salt troughs left from the winter time up there and then headed home. I helped Merle finish chores and then we hauled some oats down to the shed. Then, it was quitting time.

So, I wanted cake tonight- so I baked one for myself. I know what will happen, I won't freeze it cut I'll be eating it, and then I'll realize that I can't eat it the moral o fthe story is now would be a good time t opay me a visit! O, and I didn' thave any cooking oil (I cook/bake so much you know). So, called my mom to see if there was something else I could use and she said apple sauce-I have lots of that! Who knew! I think that's a crazy subsitution, but hey, the cake tastes great!

But, I need to get some sleep! No more baking tonight! And just think, I went all day without anyone beign able to get ahold of me...

"Sara lost her cell phone somewhere west of the river and beneath the saddle. If found, please pay a visit to Hick's Ranch." - my facebook status after the tragedy of the cell phone!

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