Friday, August 6, 2010


Well, today shouldn't be too hard to write about.
I did chores and asked Merle if this was the day we say "Happy Birthday." Aren't I poetic? So, I wished him a happy dappy day and moved on to some bale stacking.

I had to do a little fueling up and pickup cleaning first. Ross took off for the field and I stopped by home to make a lunch (fairly pathetic at that but it was food). After that, I took off for the field. ...and we stacked, and stacked, and stacked. I really don't mind it- you just have to try to block out the same songs on the radio over and over again. We did stop and eat some lunch. I thought Ross was gunna take off after lunch, but he changed him mind because we had "too much to do." ok...and when don't we? haha!

The only real good story I would have is that for the last two days I have been hearing this rattle in the pikcup. For a while, I was convinced it was a rattle snake, and for whatever reason- wasn't all that worried. Well, as it turns out, it was about as close as it gets to one- I had set the rattles from the snakes we killed the ohter day on the dash and everytime you hit a bump they rattle around. So, I wasn't that far off with my guess!...glad I wasn't totally right!

We stacked until about 6ish or a little after and ended up getting 279 bales stacked today. That's acoording to my calculations so it could be a little off. I came home and helped Merle with chores, then headed in for the night and have been doing bookwork since.

He drove Steve around today for quite a while to look at steers and then strung salt and mineral this afternoon. He said he had had enough pickup driving for one day and I agreed 100 percent. Especially since the dumb clutch pedal is being stupid in that pickup again. It would be different if it was something you only used now and again, but when you back up to every single kinda need it.

But, that's about all the excitement I got. Tomorrow night I think I'm gunna head up to Phillip for the Calcutta and Bull Riding with a street dance to follow- so I probably won't write until Sunday. I think Merle and Adrienne will go as well so we are deserting the place for a while!

On other notes, Dean is still not moved out, and my cell phone did not come in today:( I also realized tonight that I have a ridiculous lack of a social life- my friends aren't even on Facebook beacuse it's Friday night.. haha, the funny thing is, I really don't mind.

I think i'm headed in for bed- have a good weekend!

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