Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rez Runner"

So last night I fell asleep talking on the phone....that's pretty bad. By the time I woke up and moved I decided I had better not even try to type anything.

But, I have a lot of catching up to do- yesterday was rather eventful. We started a little early- 6 and did chores. Amazingly, chores took no longer even when we're short a man...interesting. I grabbed the trusy Nelly, and saddled up. Delbert came while I was saddling up, so we ended up with Ross, Adrienne, Delbert, and I riding. Johnny came over and babysat Rylee Jo, so Merle came out on a four wheeler too.

We had to do a little run aroudn with the heifers, but that is to be expected with yearlings. We managed to get them down into the corral without too much problem. There was this one that had super short, froze ears and she was really obnoxiously slow. I made some comment to the effect of "your ears don't effect your legs." Then, Adrienne came up with the theory that perhaps she did'nt have enough wiggle room to flop them back, making her aerodynamics out to wack! Yes, these are the types of things we talk about while hollering at heifers from a horse!

So, we got them into the corral and started sorting. We had a few mishaps, but it wasn't too terrible. We did managed to bend a gate hinge but it's fixable. We got everything counted out the way we wanted and the right way for teh brand inspector that was there as well. Then, just as we went to drink a pop Judd (Merle's son in law that does the videoing and selling for Superior) and the two semi's showed up. Brandy and Judd came pulling their stock trailer with the "show string" (as I like to call it) inside. I'll explin that in a minute. So, the biggest issue or concern was the mud, but things hardened up enough for the trucks to get backed up to the corral chute. We got them loaded up on the first truck. Then, the second truck as well, minus one that jumped out right behind me. We managed to get her back in on the end though. All in all, it went ok- we got them headed down to their new home in southern Nebraska.

After they left with the trucks, Merle and Judd followed them to town to be sure that everything weighed out ok. Meanwhile, I got to do the fun task of the day! The show string (two bucket calves for the fair) needed some clipping...Hannah, Hayden, and Hadleigh had them out in the grass haltered and ready for a haircut! Penelope and Daisy are quite the calves...I would have taken pictures but I have no cell phone! So anyway, we had quite the time washing and drying and then on to clipping. The crew dissapeared pretty quickly when clipping came around- too boring! They headed into the house to see Adrienne, Johnny, and Rylee- I bet that was fun! lol So Brandy helped hold the calves down and I clipped them up. We took quite a while cuz we talked and tried to catch up over the obnoxious sound of the clippers. For a while we had some entertainment per say. Delbert moved some steer that we sorted off back out in the pasture and afterward Ross managed to accidentally let Delbert's saddle horse loose and was chasing him aroudn with a four wheeler. I just kinda sighed and kept on clipping! haha

After a bit Merle and Judd came back and everyone was in the house. Finally Judd came out and got us to quite cuz dinner was ready. He was laughing because the bucket calves looked like show calves. Hadleigh was sad becasue Daisy was now "bald" after I shaved some of her was pretty cute. They are considering putting a bow on her when she shows her because it's not competitive anyway. cute:)

So, after dinner the crew all loaded up in Merle pickup and went out to video more calves. The crew would be Merle, Adrienne, Rylee, Judd, Brandy, Hannah, Hadleigh, and Hayden. Can you imagine? When they left the kids were in the back on a straw bale but I heard that it didn't last long until they were in the cab! haha...I bet it was an entertaining afternoon. Merle told me later that they really didn't see as many calves as they would have liked, but it worked out ok anyway.

When they took off I went and rode the route Ross and I took when I lost my cell phone. i did it mainly for peace of mind because there is really not much of a chance of finding it- and I didn't, but at least I can say I looked. Afterward, I went and met Ross and kept on stacking bales with the hydra bed. We did that all afternoon and managed to get 9 piles of 22 up. That's pretty darn good I thought. On my way back home for chores I could see this weird looking vehicle ahead of me on the road. For a while I thought it was an animal, then an electric truck, but I finally got close enough to see it. So if you can imagine with me for one minute. A purple Dode Neon (at least I think that Dodge makes those crappy littel things). This isn't just any puple Dodge- it's your typical rez runner type, with the donut and rust and dents and tarp straps to hold htings in place and all. But, I'm not done yet. Atop the Neon you see a large burn barrel...stading upright, strapped on with one strap that's not holding anything. So now you have a purple rez runner Neon with a rusty holey old burn barrel stading upright on the trunk, going about 15 mph down the roughest road in the tri state area. Maybe it's not as funny to you- but it was hillarious at the time!

I'll quit with my stories...anyway, I went home, did chores, and helped but some new round bales in teh corral. Then, headed home and got less and less done as i fell asleep doing things that needed. Done. Now, tonight, I'm trying to catch up!

"Is that spayed heifer pregnant?!" -Me (and yes, she was supposadly spayed, and was with calf! lol)

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